
Fresh Baked

Hearing Leo worked at an auto shop Cassy gives a thoughtful nod. It was good respective work and if he liked it than why not.

"Hey at least working in the Auto shop you can sit behind the wheel of some nice expensive cars and not have to worry about making the car payment on them huh?"

Finishing off her tea and setting the cup down Cassy gives Leo a smile. Almost all the liquor was out of her system now and her mind was thinking completely straight.

"Well...at the moment I am in the process of starting up my own dance studio to teach. I don't think it will be a permanent thing, but since I can't dance myself at the moment I might as well help those who can."

Cassy had been leery about starting her own dance studio, but it was a way to kill time and make some money while she couldn't dance. It gave her a small joy to, giving her skill knowledge to those so who could still dance.

Standing Cassy takes her glass to the sink rinsing it out before putting it in the dishwasher. Going to the cupboard she pulls out some cookies in a baggie and brings them back to the table opening them up and offering one to Leo.

"Would you like a cookie? They are fresh just baked they yesterday."

"Your never bothering me Scott. I like knowing whats going on with you so I don't have a reason to worry. When I don't know it just makes it worse."

Leaning back in her chair Hope closes her eyes for a moment. She had been so worried about Scott all day that now she felt so exhausted knowing he was ok and her body could slow down. Knowing Scott was going to spend the night with Dalton helped Hope feel a little more at easy as well. Just know if he needed anything someone would be there.

Hearing Scott would like to see her tomorrow make Hope feel good. Seeing Scott after not seeing him all day would be nice, she was defiantly up for that.

"I think lunch at the lake would be perfect. Would you like me to pick you up or meet you there?"

Turning around at the sound of Mick's voice Rosetta gives a smile. It was so nice being able to turn around and see him standing in the door. Having him home again was so nice Rosetta really had missed him.

Whipping her hands off on a towle Rosetta throws it on the counter before wondering over to Mick. He might be sweaty and smell a little funny, but that only meant he was working, and he was here with her. Rosetta loved him even than.

Slipping her arms around Mick's neck Rosetta draws closer to him. Smelly or not Rosetta didn't mind.

"I don't mind it all that much weather you need a show or not. Lets me know your really here. Not to mention your pretty sexy all hot and sweaty."

Leaning in close Rosetta's eyes slip closed as she press her lips to Mick's. Just taking in the feelings and letting the passion take over. She could melt right there, in Mick's arms and not even think twice about it.

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