
Different story

Reese takes in what Hope is saying, trying to be logical about the whole thing. Scott was harming himself by not taking care of himself and it was not healthy.

"If... you think he needs to be taken somewhere, then we need to work on that," Reese agrees. "I don't think it should be Northside. I don't think Scott would do well there. It needs to be a more sensitive atmosphere where they aren't going to dope him up like they did with Gunner. I do know of another hospital about two hours from here... Brookshire I think. You might be familiar with it. The head guy is a Christian so things are run a little differently. I heard about it a while back - a cousin of mine had a daughter who was suicidal after she found out she was pregnant, and she's a completely different person now - doing real well."

He stops to think again, contemplating the consequences of this whole thing. There were many people he could call on to help move Scott. Dalton was the first that came to mind, but Reese didn't want to put him through that - not when he and Scott were such good friends. Con? Jason? Nate? He sighs.

"I'll come myself," he offers. "I don't want Scott hating anybody else. If there's got to be a bad guy, let it be me. I feel responsible for this whole thing anyway." It was true - he did. Ever since the day they thought Scott died, Reese had felt the burden of responsibility whether he should have or not. "I could handle him if I needed to," he concludes. "If this is what you really think he needs... how do we do it? Do we need to talk to him about it? Do you want me to? Or.... when?" He knew he was asking a lot of questions, but he really had no idea how to go about this. Gunner had been one thing - a willing party once it came down to it. Scott was a different story altogether.

Jason smiles a little.

Yeah... I should eat something too. No wonder I'm so grouchy. Give me about five minutes and I'll be there. Have Rick nearby too - I need him to look at my mouth.

"Good call." Leo heads for the bathroom, but turns around again as she asks him about the sub. "Uh.... just give me whatever they've got close to Italian or club - I'm not picky. But no onions! You've gotta stand me for the rest of the day."

Grinning at her, he turns back to the bathroom to wash up. It doesn't take him long and he's back with most of the paint washed off his skin, though his clothes were spattered in various places.

With the radio still going, he performs some smooth dance moves across the floor, ending with several spins right in front of Cassy, a cheesy grin on his face. "I was gonna do the splits, but I don't think my jeans would tolerate that move."

Seeing his niece emerge, JT can't help it that his eyes widen. He didn't know if he'd ever seen Bree in a dress, let alone thinking she even owned one. He didn't want to draw too much attention to it though and embarrass her, so he just gives her a gentle smile. "I think we're ready too. You look great."

Heading to the door, it doesn't take long to stop and get a rootbeer float, then aim for the police station. David himself was there to take them inside, ensuring things went as they were supposed to. Once they had permission to see Gunner, an officer leads them back down a corridor to where the cells were. Unlocking the last door, the officer gestures inside. "You can go in."

It was a larger room, separated into several different cells that remained locked. There was only one occupant in one of them though, and it was Gunner.

Hearing the door open, Gunner looks up from his cot, not knowing what to expect. He knew David had been working on making it so Bree could come see him but -

Instantly, he's off the cot and to the bars, his eyes falling on the one he'd wanted to see so badly. "Bree."

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