

Tears burn in BJ's eyes again listing to Dylan his lip continuing to quiver. He just didn't understand why Dylan hated him so much. He just wanted a friend and wanted to be around him.

Still holding his frog BJ lowers his head again and starts to walk the way Dylan pointed him. He didn't want to get in trouble with Mick for something he didn't do. Slowly walking BJ gets a little ways away before turning to look at Dylan again before heading back with his head down the hot tears still burning from his eyes.

Just continuing to walk BJ keeps his head down looking at his frog more than where he was going till he wondered off the path into a larger brush. Tripping on a bunch of stick's BJ stumbles a little making him look up and around him.

Everything was dark and he had no idea where he was. A new fear seems to pass over him not knowing where he was. Turning around to go back the way he came BJ loosens his grip on the frog a little. Giving the opportunity the frog hopes right out of BJ's hands and back the other way.

Determined not to be left here alone to find his way home BJ starts to run the frog. Getting deep into the thick part of the woods BJ's foot ends up getting stuck on a log sending him falling forward. Trying to brace his fall BJ would of done a good job other than the large rock that calided with his head.


More screams and crys wanted to come from BJ's lips but the air had been sucked through his lungs as everything started to get fuzzy. Little drops of blood trickled down from the gash it had caused. Everything spinning as the pain felt unbearable...soon...everything went dark.

Smiling as she continues to run her hand through Scott's hair Hope didn't mind at all that she had sat here with him.

"I am happy. You ended the rest and you looked so at peace I couldn't wake you."

Looking up at the little alarm clock Hope sees the time. Scott hadn't been asleep for to long but at least it was longer than she had seen him normally sleep.

"Its about 5:20. Would you like to try and eat something for dinner?"

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