
Bull Frog

Stopping her conversation for a moment with Gage Sapphire looks up at Susanne and gives a small smile. She had heard her brother still was not doing well and it made Sapphire sad. She missed her brother even if she never said it, and she hated to think of everything he was going through again.

Opening her desk draw Sapphire pulls out a letter that was folding nicely. She had wrote it the other day and was going to send it but if Susanne and Dalton were going up it would be quicker just to give it to them.

I know things have been rough with us the last few weeks, or months but I wanted to tell you I've never stopped loving you. Your my twin brother and I love you will all my heart. You've always been there when I needed you. I'm sorry I didn't do the same. Please get better soon!! I miss you.
Love, Sapphire

Holding the letter out to Susanne Sapphire gives a small smile, thinking about her words for a long moment before saying anything. Her last few days had been mostly spending time with Gage. He was part of her life now, and where she went he was close behind, and where he went she followed. Sapphire only wished Scott could see that Gage was alright and had changed.

"Could you give this letter to him for me? I don't think I'd be the best person for him to see right now. But at least he would know I am thinking of him, and love him."

Sitting down with Scott Hope doesn't move when he says he doesn't want to go for a walk. Just staying close to him is all she wanted. As for his question Hope thought for a long moment before answering. She only hoped her answer would bring hope to Scott like it had hers.

"You've gotta start caring about yourself again Scott. I know you do here, but you've given up your will to want to even bother. We need to get that back, than we need to find a way to control your anger you have inside, and exercise your mind."

Hope gives a small smile pausing for a moment before continuing making sure Scott was still following her.

"Than after thats all done and over with, we need to train you mind to be kind of like a light switch with all the Agency information you have. We need to get you to turn it off when you don't need it, and on if you ever do. That will help you so much right there not having everything running around without control. Its a long road, but at least we have something to work twords now."

Hope couldn't help the excitement she felt flow out into her voice. She was so happy she new how to help Scott now or at least had a foot hold. Now it wasn't like she was a fish out of water with nothing to do.

Seeing Dylan leave the bar BJ looks up from his hunt in the grass. He'd been waiting all morning to show Dylan the big bull frog he had caught but he was under strict instructions not to go in the barn. But now Dylan had left so he could catch up to him and show him right?

Putting his bucket down BJ takes the frog out and gently holds it. Picking up a running pase he does his best to catch up with Dylan. Once in the woods though BJ has to slow down, it was hard for his short little legs to get over some of the rocks and logs while holding something in his hands.

Being able to see Dylan a head BJ is quiet no saying anything yet or Dylan might make him go home. Stopping for a second and looking behind him BJ can't see the ranch anymore, all that was there were trees. So just moving forward deeper into the forest BJ follows Dylan.

Giving a small chuckle as Sparky's had brushes her nose. Putting her own hands in his, she stands swaying a little and feeling kind of shaky she stops just for a moment. Thankful Sparky was there to help it. It would be a while till she had full strength again again, and she did have to take it easy not moving around a lot yet but in time she new her strength would return and till that she had her love to help her.

"I'm happy I have you here to help me. I'd love to try and see myself doing this on my own."

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