
All day

Continuing to look at Alec Hope squints her eyes a little bit studying him, looking for the meaning in his words and breaking down what he was saying. Finally a smile forms on her face and she gives a nod.

"First off, my name is Hope not babe, and next your answer was exactly what I wanted to hear, it takes a man with some kind of heart to not swear on another life. As for an agency scum bag, I don't see one where so I guess were good."

Still Hope's own gaze didnt break from Alec's as she just continued to look back at him. His words, though some might have stun to think of anything bad happing to Scott, they didn't make her flinch.

Continuing to look at Alec Hope reaches for the phone in her pocket pulling it out and dialing Reese's number. She new he was probley driving right now so she would catch him on the road but that was ok. Hearing his voice mail pick up Hope leave a vage message but one that let him know she was on the way.

"Reese, its Hope. Listen I am bringing someone with me to see Scott. Your probably going to be pretty upset with me when you find out who but right about now I'll do anything to keep him out of being transported to where he doesn't belong. So this person says he can help, and I believe him. I'll see you shortly."

Hanging up the phone Hope nods to Alec's shoes her eyes still locked with his. For some strange reason she did believe him. Maybe it was that look of wanting to help, and the small soft side that shined through the cold hard steal. She could only hope she wasn't wrong.

"Well come on get your shoes on we don't have all day."

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