
Something Came Up

A bit surprised by who it was on the other end of the phone Ryan can feel her heart thump. Now thinking maybe something happened with Alec she cant help but worry a little more. Everything seemed good yesterday, and his mood had really changed. Maybe it had all been a show? Had Ryan really got that involved she let her guard down? Obviously she had just from a simple kiss at there last meet...was there really nothing more than pulling the wool over her eyes involved?

Hearing Reese voice again it seemed to snap Ryan out of the trance she had been in as her mind wondered. Sitting up a little straghter again Ryan new Darrel wouldn't mind, as long as she came back before close to finish her work.

"Yeah I can come in no problem. No, No Darrel should have no problem. He's pretty good like that, I'll be in asap."

Hanging up the phone Ryan lets out another sigh before moving away from her bench and standing giving a stretch. Going to the office Ryan gives a knock before poking her head in.

"Hey Darrel, I have to step out for a little bit. I'm really sorry. I'll be back as soon as I can to finish work."

Ryan's face held an apologetic look to Darrel but this was important and she had to go. Leaving the office Ryan goes and grabs her jacket. Throwing Leo a smile and wink Ryan wonders over as she puts her jacket on.

"Hey there...Reese from over at the Elite needs to ask me a few questions. I'll be back in a little bit, make sure you keep these slackers in line ok?"

Leaning down and giving him a quick kiss Ryan heads out of the auto shop and jumps into her car turning on some loud music and heading down to TJY.

It takes no time to TJY, and Ryan new how to get to the lower level already. Not sure what office was Reese though asking someone they point here. Giving a knock on the door Ryan waits thought she had to addmit she was a bit nervous.

Giving a little laugh Libby shakes her head and moves around to the same side of the booth as Ty. Giving a small laugh at his humor Libby was happy he could at least could find a joke in it knowing he was nervouse.

"Ok, we are going to start small. If we just jump into the big stuff we wont get anywhere. So I have some books here we can start with."

Pulling out some of the book they were for about 1 or second grade. Small for most people but if they were going to do this they might as well do it right so she could give the help Ty needed though he might always have a hard time she new he could do it.

"Ok, so most words can be sound out...."

Going though all the small stuff with Ty Libby covers sounding out words, what some different letter sound like when they are together, some spelling rules. Taking him from to back and forth through things Libby did her best to explain.

"...once you get use to putting the letters and sounds together it can be pretty easy. Unless you come across those big long words, and than even I cant figure them out."

Libby gives a small chuckle hoping it help Ty feel a little better. Pulling out another peace of paper it was filled with some easy words to read making a small story.

"Ok, We are going to read this together. You start and I will help you in figuring out the words ok?"

She'd help all she could with pronouncing the words giving him encouragement. She new he could do this with just a little time, and patients.

Continuing to look up at Mick BJ trys to process Micks words. It was hard trying to understand what he was saying at such a young age, and most things that had happened in the past were long forgotten. He remembered Sam but...He'd never known she was his real mom. And all this stuff though he tryed to understand it still left him confused.

"He's my cousin and my brother...? I...I think I understand."

Looking down again BJ looks at the blocks Mick had set up on the ground running his little fingers over them for a moment.

"Ok, I'll try to leave him alone today. I always wanted a brother though."

Making her way down to where Alec was help Hope gives a small knock on the door before she enters the room. Giving a small smile and a nod to Alec as she entered Hope wasnt sure what she was expecting to find.

"Hey Alec. How have you been feeling?"

Reese hadn't said anything to her about what was going on other than there was a change and he wanted her to talk to him. Anything else she didnt know and was going in blind.

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