
One more hour

Taking one of the seats that was at the small table Hope gives an interesting sigh as Alec fills her in a little on what had happened. Giving a surprised look herself that she couldn't help when finding out Alec had given information to Reese.

"How come you had a change of heart Alec? Was it because you wanted out, or do you really see that maybe the Agency wasn't that great after all?"

Hope really was interesting now in the reasoning behind Alec's actions. After so many weeks of not being able to do anything she herself didn't think it would do much good in changing his mind. But maybe something else down the road had.

"I am sorry you have to stay in here and you feel so caged. Maybe now with the information Reese had, you'll be able to leave and start a new life. This could be what he needed to speed things up."

Laughing and Giggling as Mick picks him up BJ's toys seemed long forgotten and now, the though of wanting to get to know Dylan more too. When with his Daddy everything seemed ok.

"Mmmm...I fink I smell french toast cooking. My favorite."

Reaching his little hand up BJ takes it as they head back to the dinning room table where Rosetta had already set out plates for them all. Even getting one ready for Dylan too.

Continuing to help Ty Libby nods when he does good, and help break up the words when he is not sure. Not once did a shout or and a word of discouragement come from her lips. She was bound and determined to help Ty.

"You wont be able to do it, if you keep thinking you can't. It takes time Ty and a lot of practice. This is only the first day you need to give it more time than that because no one can learn everything in only a few hours. Your doing good for your first day, and thats the truth."

Giving Ty's back a gentil rub Libby smiles at him. Leaning her head down just a little bit so she could see into his eyes.

"We can stop for a little bit if you want to rest your noggin. But I'd like to at least get in another hour. We just have to train your brain and keep at it. Than in no time it will come to you. Just...don't give up on me yet ok?"

Libby's eyes were soft and full of understanding knowing this was hard for Ty. She'd had her own problems in school with Math and science. It could be a pretty frustrating thing when you couldn't understand but one big key was not giving up to soon.

Giving a smile thought she was nervous Ryan returns her hand to Reese giving it a shake. She always was nervous around cops, seeing as what her side hobbies was. Though the Elite was a different branch they still were cops to her.

Taking a seat in once of the chairs Ryan holds her hands in her lap and looks across the desk at Reese. Studying his face for a long moment trying to understand what was going on and maybe his intentions. Hearing his questions though Ryan find them a bit odd, but would have no problem meeting them.

"The first time I met Alec was at a bar I often go to. He was drunker than a skunk and I figured he's need a ride home or something. I have a soft spot, and nothing better to do that day so I figured I'd help him out. He'd been babbling about people trying to kill him, and a few other things I didn't understand. Some how I ended up offending him that same day, and we went out separate ways."

Looking away from Reese for a moment and around the large office Ryan took note to the plaques on the wall, and than scans all the books he had. Just taking in her surroundings it was something she often did in places she didn't know. But finally her eyes come back to Reese as she continues.

"I'm friends with Axel, who is friends with Carson and I guess you could say threw the grape vine I found out he was here. As far as our relationship goes, He's only a friend."

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