
The Only Gift!

Katie's smile grew bigger receiving Jason's words back to her. This connection had almost torn them apart, but in the end it brought them closer together. There love had grown, and there lessons learned along the way had been hard one, but in turn they wouldn't be soon forgotten.

Mmmm...and thank you, for opening my eyes those years ago. Showing me what I was missing out on.

If it hadn't been for Jason, Katie might have never broken out of her shell. She might of still be miserable, quiet, and with draw from the world.

Looking around at the table she gives a gentile nod at all the smiling faces. So many friends she had made along the way, and some how

...Katie looked to Ryder and Thirteen....

Even the ones who wernt from here, ended up here. This place really had a magic draw to it. For those who needed healing, for those looking for a second chanse, for those who wanted to be safe, and for those who just wanted to relax...this was home.

Thirteen can't help the laugh that escapes her lips as Ryder kiss the top of her head. She liked Cindy already, she was such a nice last and her voice was so soft. Hearing Ryder was prouded of her made her smile grow even bigger. She felt warm on the inside like a blanket had been wrapped around her.

After that it seemed like the ice had been broken and though Thirteen still didn't talk much, the strangeness of being in this place was broken. Her face expressions, and her gentile nods here and there showed she was listing and taking everything in. The smile on her lips saying it felt good, to be around these people and feel so safe, almost shut out from the cold world. 

.....And dinner rolled on, the meal and the laughs. New friends, and old the warmth in the room was amazing and the feeling of a calm had come. Soon it drew late and those who could breave the late night stayed and those who retreated did....

Shaking her head at Ryder's story's Thirteen rolls her eyes too. She always hated the ones about the alligators and crocodiles. But somewhere along the way of the last few weeks Thirteen had gotten use to him dealing with those animals even if it still scared the crap out of her and she wanted to kill him every time he did something dangerous. She had even been to the Zoo on the less busy times of day once or twice learning about the different animals and actually starting to like it.
Giving a yawn Thirteen trys to hide it but knows it was a lost cause. Now that the group had died down even more Thirteen felt comfortable and hated the thought of leaving. Listing to all the story's was so nice, living through them since she had non of her own. Giving a sigh and a nod she didn't want to but new she probably should.

"I'm ready now, even though I don't really want too."

Thirteen was a little nervous about sleeping in this strange place by herself. It was filled with new lights, noises, sounds...she wasn't use to in the house in Nevada. She new sleep wouldn't come easily as her nerves were already high thinking about it.
Leaning her head on Jason's shoulder Katie could feel her eyes getting tired thought she refused to go to bed this early. She was home, and this called for a card game at least still, and she just...new how Jason felt.

I agree, staying like this would defiantly be nice.

Letting out a sigh Katie wraps her arms around Jason just holding him while she sat in his lap. He was so warm, and he smelled good tonight it up to her Katie could fall asleep here no problem.
Lifting her head a little Bree looks at her Uncle. Everyone had been so supportive, and she was thankful for all there help, but the one person she needed right now she couldn't even talk to. Tomorrow was there first Christmas even and she couldn't even spend it with him. 

Leaning her head back down on the pillow Bree looks out the window she only opened at night to reveal the stars she had grown to love. She miss Gunner so much and each day without word, was another day of torcher.

Not moving her head from the blanket Bree just slowly blinks her eyes her voice low, and it lacked the life it once held. 

"On Chrismas, can someone call Gunner for me and get him on the line, than hand the phone to me. If only for a minute I'd like to talk to him on Christmas. Can...that be the only gift I get please?"

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