

Cindy holds her smile and nods to Thirteen. "Sure he did. He usually does tell me about his friends. Oh, he can't tell me everything about his job, but he did tell me about you and how you're doing such a good job with everything." 

Ryder's faces gains a warm expression of pride as he looks to Thirteen. "See? And you thought nobody noticed." Giving her a kiss to the top of her head, he chuckles. "But I dare say I'm the proudest."

"As is your right," Cindy agrees. She catches Thirteen's eye with a motherly gaze. "When your man is proud of you and believes in you, you know you've got a winner." She glances to Wes, then back to Thirteeen. "And I know that for a fact." 

Sitting next to Katie, Jason closes his eyes for just a moment, holding his breath as she draws on the emotions that made him feel the warmest. He knew now she really was happy, and so was he. A lot had happened this past year... a lifetime had gone by. There was a time when Jason wouldn't really have cared to be here. But now... things were different. He was different. And here, he finally felt like he was a part of this family. Maybe he wasn't even related to all these people here, but it didn't seem to matter. They accepted him, and that's what counted. 

Thanks for sharing your family, Hero... it's been a long time since I felt like this. 

Supper continues with much talking and laughter. Though only seated at one table, chairs get moved around, people sit sideways and more chairs are crammed around than should be, just so everyone could talk with everyone they wanted to. By the time the meal is over, it's starting to get late but no one wants to get up and leave. Cindy and Wes are the first, needing to put Kaylee to bed, and it's not long before Clint and Wendy follow suit with Chase. Despite the lack of a few people though, the others still stay, lingering inside to avoid the cold. 

"...so after that, it was a piece of cake."

Jeff bursts out laughing at the end of Ryder's story. Both men were straddling their chairs backward to face each other at the corner of the table, swapping stories and jokes left and right.

Ryder laughs just as hard, having to wipe tears from his eyes. Taking the last swallow of coffee from his mug, he sighs deeply. "And that is that." Looking over his shoulder to Thirteen, he cocks his head. "Whenever you want to go to bed, let me know and I'll help you get settled." 

Jason leans back in his chair, his arms around Katie, whom he'd pulled into his lap a while before, setting his feet up on an empty chair. 

Can we just stay like this forever? No stress... no worries... just good feelings. I don't even want to go to bed, I'm so comfortable.

Outside under the stars, Trent sits on the steps of his bunkhouse. Leaning back against the railing, he was cold, but he didn't want to get up yet. He'd kept an eye on the dining hall since he'd retreated. He'd seen a few people leave for the night, but had yet to see the visitors emerge. Too many thoughts ran through his mind. Wrong... right... did it matter? Was he at fault? What was best? Was it too late?

Sighing, he stuffs his hands a little deeper into his pockets. If he could only go back oh so many years and change the past.

"How ya doing, kiddo?" JT sits on the edge of the bed once more before bedding down for the night. Looking at his niece, she seemed so tired and distant. He hated it. They'd drawn away from the crowd a little earlier tonight, feeling quite welcome, but still a little awkward with that many people. 

He pulls up the blanket for Bree a little bit more, his eyes filled with concern. Nothing from David or Angelica yet and the holidays would push things back further. But they had to wait it out. 

"You do not need to be alone." 

"I'm not." A wry grin toys with just the corner of Gunner's mouth. "I've had visitors." 

"But you need the company of God." 

Gunner leans back on the bench in his cell, looking across at the other chair. "Father, I got God right here with me." 

The priest has a kind look on his face, but somewhat confused. "But you broke the law, Brent... you have sinned." 

"I didn't sin by rescuing someone who needed help." 

"But the law was broken."

"It was. But I believe it was right in the eyes of God." 

A smile finally comes to the older man's lips and he shakes his head. "You never did like playing by the rules, did you?"

"No." Gunner chuckles. "You know that." 

"Mmm... I do." The priest fingers his Bible. "I will pray for you, Brent, that justice will be served and that you will be released. You can't do the world any good by sitting behind these bars." 

"I know. And I intend to get out. I got people working on it." 

"No greater help has a man, than he who relies on the Lord's strength."

"I'm relying on that too... trust me... in here, with nothing but the sound of my own thoughts... I gotta have something to keep me sane. And there's only two things that do that." 


"God... and a constellation." 

The priest lifts his eyebrows. "As in the stars? I don't understand."

"It's hard to explain." Gunner takes a deep breath, letting it out slowly. "They'll be closing up visiting time here shortly. You better get going or you'll be spending the night in here with me." 

The priest chuckles and rises to his feet. "I can think of worse things, but you're probably right. Stick to the faith, Brent. I will see you soon." 

"Yeah... thanks for visiting." Once he's alone again, Gunner stands up and moves to crane his neck to see out the tiny window. Tomorrow was Christmas eve. And though he spoke with confidence to the priest of his church, on the inside, he'd never felt more lonely.

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