
Home Made!

Lifting the once side of her face in a half smile Libby gave a nod. She didn't mind helping Ty, that last thing she ever would want would be to have him be embarrassed.

"Your welcome. Maybe soon once I can help you, you wont need to fool people. You deserve better than that."

Libby's smile grows even more as she pops a french fry into her mouth. Thinking for a long moment on Ty's next question. Looking across the table Libby's study's Ty for a long moment the smile on her face dulls just a little as she looks down at her plate and than back up at Ty again.

"I was home with my family, and I stayed as long as I could. I always try hoping things will change ya know?! But it was no different this year from any other. My mom was drunk, and my step father was a jerk, along with my brother being himself. I just had to get out of there."

Giving a little smile Libby holds up the Treasure island book she was reading to show Ty.

"I like to read. It takes me to anywhere I want to go. Like this one is Treasure island. There is pirates, mystery, murder...its a nice get away. Than again sitting here and having your company is a nice get away too."

Giving a gentile nod to Mick and returning his kiss Rosetta was so proud of him. He was making a compromise, On Dan staying there and his daughters relationship with the young man. At least Mick was trying and thats what was important to Rosetta.

Seeing the shine in Mick's eyes that Rosetta had fallen in love with so many years and now to see it again after being absent for so long it brought an even bigger smile to Rosetta's face as she return his kiss.

"Let me clean up the dishes and what while you relax."

Watching every movie Dylan had made BJ contently sat in his chair next to Mick. His eyes even follow him when he leaves. Craining his neck to see out the door to continue to watch where Dylan when Mick's question goes unanswered for now. Finally though as Dylan can no longer be seen BJ brings his attachen back to Mick picking up where his questions was.

"I will be red. You doe first you lost last time."

Giving a smile and a nod even though Jay couldn't see her Katie thought that would be a great idea and just thinking about it made her excited.

"I'd really like that. Maybe we could figure out something special we could do together."

Her dad coming to Nevada and actually having time to be shown around would really be great. Maybe he would even be able to hear Jetstream finally.

Not wanting to end the call Katie new she should. Time was ticking and she told Jason she wouldn't be long. It was good to talk to her dad again. It had been far to long.

"Well I better get going. Jason is waiting for to for a ride with me. I love you Dad."

Once again like so many times before Ryan had found herself standing outside the door to where she new Alec was inside. This time she had home made turkey, mashed potatoes, green beans, and some fresh rolls. It had been like pulling teeth to get Leo and Eli to save some food, but Ryan made it happened and likes she promised here she was.

Knocking lightly and entering the room she just stands for a long moment watching Alec over in the corner practicing his moves. It was interesting watching him, he seemed so dedicated. Clearing her throat a little Ryan stays by the door till she knows Alec knows she is there.

"You certainly do look like you could give someone a run for there money. How ever I come bearing food. It's good home made good too."

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