
All alone

Ty is startled by Libby's approach, though when realizing it's her, a little smile comes to his face. He certainly hadn't expected to run into anyone he knew today.

Starting to open his mouth to reply, he isn't quick enough, and Libby is off again, this time listing some of the items on the menu. As she talked, Ty didn't bother looking up at the sign, but instead just looked down at her sparkling eyes, his grin widening a little with amusement. He did manage to catch what she said though, and reaches up teasingly to ruffle her hair.

"I guess I could use some company too," he admits. "And now that I actually know what I wanna order, how can I not come sit with you?"

Shaking his head, he goes back to the counter, ordering the bacon ranch wrap and some mozzarella sticks. Glancing at the logos for the soda pop he orders a coke and within minutes, his order is ready and he's wandering back to Libby's table.

Sliding in the booth across from her, he gives her a wry smile. "Thank you... Joe's one of the people I've managed to fool thus far."

Taking out his napkin, he turns the container of mozzarella sticks so Libby can have some if she wants. "So... can I ask you a personal question?"

He takes a bite of his wrap, nodding with satisfaction at the taste. "What are you doing out here alone on a day like today?"

Alec sits slouched on his cot, leaned back against the wall. On the opposite wall on the floor stood the Burger King bag from the day before, rescued from the trash, straightened out and set up like a basket of sorts. In Alec's hand were a bunch of tiny paper balls from torn up napkins.

Flicking another little ball the short distance, it bounces off the wall and into the bag. Fifteen out of fifteen. They hadn't called him an assassin for nothing. Another ball goes flying, this time straight into the paper basket.

The only difference about today than yesterday was he was in a different pair of jeans and a different shirt. But otherwise, to him, it wasn't much different. Being Christmas meant nothing this year, even if he did have a little hope somewhere down deep that Ryan would be true to her word and at least come for five minutes. A day in here was like a lifetime, so five minutes was like a long reprieve.

Another little ball shoots into the bag. Who was he kidding? It was a miserable day. It was different whether he liked it or not, because he missed freedom. He didn't know if he'd choose to go out and get drunk like he did at the Agency parties, but at least he'd been free one day out of the year.

Sighing, Alec stops flicking the paper balls and just stares into nothingness. He'd finally hit the point where he wondered if the Elite had won. He was down. Was this what they wanted?

Gritting his teeth, Alec flings the rest of the balls to the bag like a shotgun as they scatter in and around the bag. Getting up off the cot, he goes to the empty corner of his room and closes his eyes, breathing deeply before starting his daily fight routine. He knew his distance from the objects in the room, so his eyes stayed closed as he punched, blocked and kicked at an imaginary enemy, running through the paces. It was the third time today. It was the third time he'd kept himself from slipping into the pit of defeat.

Mick continues to think, looking down at his coffee mug as Rosetta speaks, his finger running along the rim absentmindedly. He wasn't surprised... disappointed maybe. Disappointed that both Jade and Dan had not respected his wishes. He didn't feel quite the same anger as he had before - when he'd found them the last time, he had had so much more on his mind... Dylan... his drinking problem - both of which had made him much more testy than he should have been. At the time, he would have said he was angered simply by Dan's disrespect and a rebellious daughter. But Mick knew it had been more than that that led him to become so angry. So now... now that he was back, he'd sorted through his personal problems and Dylan was in his custody... what did he feel about Jade and Dan?

"Oh." Hearing Jade had been laughing and smiling was good. Hearing she missed him was a little bit of a surprise though, after he was sure she'd been so upset with him. Still... he remembered the position she and Dan had been in in the barn that day and he still deemed it inappropriate.

"Well..." He sighs and glances to his wife. "I'll try to give Dan a chance. I liked him in the beginning... he's got a lot of potential and I saw it then. I guess I just had my guard up with thinking I knew his record was clean but sensing it wasn't, then my sights got blurred and it wasn't really him I was mad at. I was more mad at myself than anybody... for failing as a father... for failing you... for failing myself. I guess I wouldn't have been near upset to find out about Dan's past if my mind had been clear."

Looking back to his coffee mug, he's quiet for another couple moments. "As for him and Jade... I can't say I'm happy about it, but I guess she could be in worse trouble than just making out with a guy in the barn."

He gives a sidelong glance to the window where Dylan still stood. At least Jade hadn't been into things like his son had. Still...

"I won't kick Dan out," Mick finally concludes. "It might be a short-lived romance anyway. But I will tell them to cool their jets if I catch 'em like I did before I left. She's still my daughter and she's still only seventeen. Doesn't need to be putting herself in compromising positions with a man, least of all a man who's five years older and has been with a woman before."

Nodding with decisiveness, Mick's statement has a ring of finality. He would give Dan another chance and he would let him and Jade date if they wanted, but that's as far as it went. It was a fair compromise in his mind.

Looking into Rosetta's eyes, a warm smile forms on Mick's face, making his eyes shine more than they had in months. "Thank you... for being more than you ever had to be. I don't know how I'd make it without you."

Leaning over to give her lips a tender kiss, he pulls back, brushing her cheek with his hand. It would take a while for him to settle back in again, but for now at least he felt he had a handle on what had been going on so there wouldn't be too many surprises. He still needed to see his brothers... but first, he had another promise to keep after he took care of Dylan.

"Hey, Dylan?"

Dylan turns from the window without much interest.

"You wanna stay in the main house with us, or in your own bunk?"

Dylan smirks at him. The answer to that should be obvious.

"Yeah, that's what I thought. If you want to, you go settle in bunk three." He glances at Rosetta to make sure it was empty. "Then when your sister gets back, she'll have some of your stuff from Colorado."

Dylan eyes Mick, then Rosetta a moment. He was being dismissed from the scene. Not that he cared - he hadn't made himself a part of it to begin with. Shrugging, he heads to the door and exits.

Mick gives another little sigh, but leaves things be. Right now the only goal he had was to keep Dylan from running off and when he was silent, at least he wasn't swearing or throwing a tantrum. Swiveling in his chair, Mick finally pays attention to the little one who had been waiting for what probably seemed to him an eternity. This promise wouldn't be forgotten. "Alright, kiddo. Red or black?"

Dylan trudges from the dining hall, scuffing his shoes on the gravel as he wandered around to the bunk houses, checking out the numbers and finding the one Mick had told him he could use. After going inside and nosing around, he exits again, not wanting to stay inside anymore. Not that he had anywhere else to go at the moment.

Standing in the middle of the driveway, he sees the auto shop off to the side. His cousin was apparently getting to be quite the mechanic. Wendy worked with her mom or with the kids... Rosalyn worked with Becky on housekeeping and cooking... It was like some little community where the next generation was preparing to take over in years to come. They all had a place here. But Dylan certainly didn't feel like he fit. The only reason he was here was because he was the boss' son, and a troublemaker to boot. No... he didn't belong here.

Finding his way over to one of the pasture fences, he climbs up to sit on the top rail, looking out at nothing. He'd hated the McClain ranch and he hated this one too. Surrounded by people, but all alone.

Still smiling, Jay finds a nearby chair to sit down. "Oh, I'm doing just fine and so is everybody else. Your siblings are running around here somewhere. Kelsey brought her boyfriend, so needless to say she's a little distracted, but otherwise, things are great. I wanted to come down to the ranch at least for part of a day, but then Jessica's parents couldn't make it when they thought and so plans got all messed up."

He pauses, just enjoying being able to talk to Katie. Maybe he wasn't her real father, but she was as much his daughter as she ever was and he couldn't love her more. "I miss you too, Katie... I want to come see you soon... maybe drop by Nevada or something since we couldn't get together for the holidays. Would that be okay?"

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