
Will he?

Seeing it in JT eyes the pain he felt for Bree, and than looking in the young girls eyes and seeing her own pain it broke Amanda's heart. These were two good people even if she didn't know them all that well, she could tell.

"Hey breakfast in bed sounds great. It will be kind of like we are camping."

Looking up again as Amanda talks Bree looks to her and than to JT. She didnt feel like eating, she didnt feel like doing much of anything.But she new it was probley best if she at least tryed.

"I'm not to hungry but...I'll...try to eat a little bit of something. Will Gunner be here soon?"

Bree had a horrable feeling in the bit of her stomach that he wouldnt being coming but she had to ask, she had to hope that he would come through the door and she could feel the warmth of his arms.

Faith's own smile stayed pasted on her face. She felt so warm around Sparky that being in the cold hadnt bothered her. The feelings just bubbled, and they felt so good.

Taking a seat in the chair Sparky had pulled out for her Faith smiles taking the warm cup in her hands. 

"Thank you."

Taking a sip of the warm liqued Faith closes her eyes for a moment just letting it warm her. It had been a long time since he had, had coffee but it tasts just as good as she remembered.

"I am very much looking forward to having you teach me still today."

Holding out her feet so Sparky could see the boots Faith smiled at him as her eyes twinkled.

"She let me barrow some of hers, and when I go into town for my Dr apt I am going to get some of my own."

The look in Faith's eyes showed she was excited about riding, and having Sparky teach her was even better.

"Anything I can help you with this morning?"

Taking the tickets in her hand Misty just looked at them for a long moment. She had no idea he has planned any of this. A smile creeps on her face not being able to help the flutter in her heart. This was really happing, she was going to be Ms. Carson Banks and in two weeks no less. What some might think was fast Misty found it perfect.

Giving a little squeel and doing the best she could to put her arms around him as he was still along side her Misty gives him a big kiss on the lips.

"Its perfect Carson, perfect."

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