
Dont know why...

Amanda gives a soft laugh and shakes her head. She was happy for JT concern, but she was here already and it seemed Bree took to her well. She might as well stay and help.

"I'm already deep in this, and you can use all the help you can get. If anyone connects us than I am a goner anyways because I cant lie to save my life. It would be better if I stayed for now. I'll just call work and tell them I had family issues I needed to take care of. And its the trust. Friends, are always family to me."

As JT moves the hair from her eyes Amanda gives a laugh as the soft smile stays on her lips. Looking back at JT her eyes lock with his for a long moment. Finally looking away a little bit of color comes to her face.

"Go get the food before Bree and I starve to death."

Taking another sip of her coffee Annie gives a nod. She talked to Faith about it once, and she never really said yes or not, but Annie would guess she would.

"We talked about it once and she never said yes or not, but I would assume so. Than again she really has nothing left for her there. I don't know why she wouldn't want to go back its so pretty there."

Looking around the room at all the people that were starting to come in Annie gives a smile and greets some of them before going back to her brother, and her own conversation.

"And if she does not well...I don't know what would happen than. Not that it would be horrible to have another set of hands here.With the ranch growing so much over the last year Rosetta could use all the help she can get honestly."

As the morning pass and Faith helps Sparky a complain never comes from her lips though her hands start to hurt and she new for sure blisters would come. The pain in her hands were worth is though if it ment spending more time with Sparky.

Finally finished with the chores Faith follows Sparky and does what her tell her. Once and a while stopping making sure she was doing it ok, and asking when she had a question. She was enjoying herself and she hadn't even been on the horse yet.

Following Sparky to the saddle rack Faith just stands there waiting. She had no idea anything about saddles or even that you needed to measure one before getting onto it. Looking up at Sparky as he starts to stumble over his words Faith can feel her own cheeks turn red as she realizes what he is trying to say.

Bringing a hand to her mouth Faith lets out a small laugh trying to not to make Saprky feel any awkward than he did already. She found it a little amusing but didn't say so. Making her way over to the saddle Faith stops by Sparky. Standing on her top toes a little Faith wasn't sure why she did it, but she wanted to so her did. Her heart started to race as her lips pressed against his for a long moment her one hard cradled his face while the other found its way to his back.

Finally pulling away her cheek were a crimson red. She had no idea why she just did that but she liked it. Walking away from Sparky slowly Faith goes to the saddle. Swinging her legs around it and sits down. Looking over to Sparky her face was a little flush, still not knowing if the saddle fit right or not..

"It feels comfortable, but I know nothing about saddles...so your the expert. How does it look to you?"

A smile forms on Sapphire's face as Gage agreed to coming out. She wanted to help him find more friends, and what better two friends to have than Con and Jamie. They already new Gage were coming and, couldnt be more happy than to have someone else along. Pressing the horn three times Sapphire can't help but laugh knowing Gage would hear it.

"I'm here now if you ready. If now I can wait...its no hurry at all. Oh and Gage, if your a little short on money its ok, I got the rest for you. You just spending some time with me, is great payment."

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