

Going her own separate way Sapphire new Gage had a reason he wanted to be here, and she also new he would be ok. In a little while she would see him again before he left.

Walking to her own cubicle Sapphire couldn't help the smile on her face. It had been a really good day, and she had enjoyed her time with her friends. She could only hope there were many more to come.

Typing away on the keybored Katie tried to catch up with some work she had fallen behind on. It seemed over the last few days more and more reports had come in, not to mention she told Susanne she would help her out with a few things she needed to enter into there data base, and not it just seemed like a never ending pile of mush.

Hearing the knock on her cubicle wall and hearing her name Katie looks up for a moment. It wasn't Jason, she would of been able to tell and she wasnt sure of the voice. Turning from the computer and seeing Gage Katie couldn't help the surprise that passed in her eyes. The last person she had expected to be standing there was Gage.

Listing to him as he pushed his way through his appoligy, and seeing the look of hesitation in his eyes Katie had to give him alot of credit on him coming to her. Searching his eyes for a long moment Katie looks to see if he was being genuine Seeing in his eyes that he was, a soft smile spreads on Katie's face.

"I forgive you Gage.Water under the bridge they like to say."

Katie's heart was so big, it happened to be a Pent trate, she had no problem looking at Gage, seeing his change and being able to forgive him. Would she feel awkward around him...maybe a little at first but she was like that with Carson too.

"I hope we can become friends Gage! You seem like a really nice guy."

Shaking her head and giving a laugh she new Jim didn't mean to scar her. She he just been so deep in the paper work that needed to be done she had lost track of everything around her.

Continuing to listen Annie cant help the look of surprise that passed on her face, but she was not sure if it was surprise from Jim spying or surprise at Sparky's actions.

"I new you were going to keep an eye out on them...but Spying? Thats a little much isnt it?"

Annie new her brother wouldnt spy on anyone she just found it odd he new all this stuff without actually talking to Sparky first. Though pushing that aside a new worry sank in. She had known Faith for a while now, she had even lived with her and this seemed out of place for her quiet friend too. Was it wrong to have braught Faith here? Thinking a long moment about her Jim's question Annie looks over at the table with Sparky and Faith. They both...did seem happy, but was it only skin deep? Jim had her second guessing herself now too.

"I mean, Faith has nothing left in Thailand like I had told you before. Her mother is gone, and her father is in the hospetil. For almost 10 years now she told me she has been on her own.  She never had any brothers and sisters....so I mean she has no one and she took care of herself just fine all that time."

Looking back to Jim Annie's eyes held a little concern of her own. It was just so out of character.

"I dont think...she would be using Sparky. Faith just doesn't seam like that kind of person or so I thoughts. I dont think its wrong to be worryed eather....but if its really bothering you that much maybe we should have a talk with Sparky instead of guessing and talking behind his back. It kind of makes me feel crappy."

She really didnt like talking or thinking bad things about her brother and friend, but no the seed of dount had been planted and it ran wild. Annie had only though Faith and Sparky had taken to being friends quickly and was happy. They both needed friends and now...she wondered if it was still ok.

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