

Angelica rolls her eyes at Gunner he was....different and she'd probably never understand his seance of humor though once and a while he even made her laugh.

Reaching into her briefcase she takes out a pen and a peace of paper handing it to Gunner. Letting out another sigh she just watchs him for a moment before she continues to talk.

"Gunner, your going to need to talk to me if you want my help. This is a secure room with no way for them to hear us. I made sure myself, and if they have gone against that than well, they will be going to jail for breaking them law."

She didn't want to be harsh, she was only concerned for Gunner. His time was running out and her own window of opportunity was closing fast. Getting the order from a judge that she happend to know quite well to be able to talk to Gunner with no one else was a chore in itself, but she had done it, and he even threw in that if someone when against it they would be arrested.

"Your time is running out Gunner, and so is mind for being here. We need to work quickly to get you out of here. I want to help you, its not really my cup of tea to see you in jail and I'd like to get you out as soon as I can. But you need to talk."

Angelica's eyes held there concern and there willingness to help her friend. When it came to anything at TJY she was always more than willing to help.

The movie was enjoyable and the darkend theater was a great time for Sapphire to take Gage's hand once and a while. Even though they had been to the movies before Sapphire would never grow tired of it. Sometimes just seeing the looks on Gage's face made it worth wile. His eyes would light up, and for just a little while he would be carefree.

Once the movies was over and they were all back in the parking lot it seemed no one wanted to go back to work. They had all had such a nice time that more work would rune it.

Jamie gives a playful elbow to Con as her streaches.

"You always just want to take a nap. I think your on permahybranate."

Laughing Jamie gives a nod to Gage and a smile. Turning to him before she got into the car.

"It was very nice spending the day with you Gage. We will have to do it again soon. If you end up coming by TJY with Sapphire, dont be shy to say Hi."

Giving a laugh at her two friends Sapphire loved seeing them interact. They were in so in love and so comfortable around each other it was great to see the light in each of there eyes that still burned for one another.

Bringing her attachen back to Gage Sapphire gives a small nod of her head though she really wanted to shake it and just play hookie for the rest of the day. But with her brother being out of town Reese would kill her.

"I really don't want to but I guess I should head back before everyone things I got lost. Would you still like to come?"

As lunch starts Faith takes what had become now her normal seat next to Sparky. With others gathered around like normal Faith was going to ask Annie to join the table as well but she had taken note when coming in that she was busy at one of the far tables with some paper work and didn't want to desterb her.

Sitting at the small table by the window Annie was so indeepth in her paperwork that she didn't even hear Jim come over. But hearing his voice gives her a start as it brings her out of the paper transe with a jump.

"My gosh Jim did you have to scare the ever living daylights out of me. You cant just sneek up on someone like that."

Setting her pen down and gathering some of the paperwork together in a pile making room for him to sit Annie looks over to the tale where Sparky and Faith were sitting laughing and just enjoying themselves with some of the others. Looking back at her brother she cocks her head a little with question on her face.

"And what makes you say that now?"

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