
Social Interaction

Though not pulling away from the banter, a little bit of color did come to Sparky's face at a couple of Wes' comments. No, he didn't usually interact quite like this, but tonight... he just felt good. And his reason wasn't a secret, but for now it was nice to know it was just between him and Faith.

"I'm not getting sick," he quips. "I'm just giving you what you've always deserved. It's about time I got around to doing it."

Getting tickled, Kaylee lets out a delighted squeal, banging her spoon on the high chair next to her daddy. Looking over at Sparky, she shrieks and shakes her head, then giggles, thoroughly enjoying this scene.

Sparky can't help but laugh at his niece. "She's going to have a good sense of humor... she's gonna need it, being in this family."

Under the table, Sparky's hand creeps over to Faith's, giving it a little squeeze. She had a great sense of humor and he loved it.

Cindy grins at her husband, the nods in agreement to Faith. "I think you're absolutely right." Catching Wes' eye, her gaze showed the love and admiration that hadn't dimmed at all since their wedding day.

"Thank you." JT wished he could thank Rosetta more, but he didn't think there was a way he could. "This means a lot, Rosetta... I hope one day I can repay you."

The offer for a bed to sleep in was so good that JT couldn't refuse. "That's probably a good idea.The sooner I get some sleep, the sooner I can function again." Standing, he nods and looks down at Rosetta again. "Your kindness won't be forgotten."

There were two extra beds indeed and never had a bed looked so good. JT picks the one closest to Bree's bed, checking on her once more before bedding down. Kicking off his shoes, he pulls his hoodie off to sleep in his t-shirt and jeans. Glancing over to Amanda, he just watches her for a moment. "Thank you too," he mentions quietly. "I couldn't have done this without you."

Jade lies on the hay bales, looking up through the open hatch in the barn roof. Supper hadn't really been thought of, and had basically gone ignored after chore time. The hayloft was a warm lookout spot for stargazing on such a clear night, and the even stack of hay bales was the perfect for lying back and watching the small patch of space.

"Oh!" Jade giggles and points, her arm bumping Dan as she moves. "I so saw a shooting star. Did you see it too?"

"Oh, baby, you drive me crazy, crazy..." Carson sings at the top of his lungs, bobbing his head to the rock 'n roll on the radio. Dancing at the stove, he stirs supper, the scent of Italian food filling the apartment.

Grabbing the half-bottle of beer from the counter, he takes a small swig before spinning around and slinging his arm over Misty's shoulders, pulling her in a circle. "Crazy, I tell you... crazy!"

Cocking his head, he kisses her lips, letting it linger as his free hand makes it up her back to rake through her hair. The food on the stove starts to hiss though, and he's forced to return to their meal. "You sure you want supper?" he asks over his shoulder. "It seems to be interrupting our..." He quirks a grin. "...social interaction."

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