

Sitting sipping her coffee Rosetta gives a thoughtful nod listing to what Scott said. Though they hadn't interacted much when Gunner was here Rosetta new who he was, and once in a great while he would come down for a meal. She couldn't help but feel bad for him, yet proud that he cared for Bree enough to do this at the same time.

"It was very noble of him to do that, but I do hope he can be helped so he doesn't face jail for to long if at all. And Hope your here to help Bree?"

Hope looks across the table at her long time friend. She was going to try anyways and see if at least she could make it that no one would snag Bree and ship her back if she came home anyways.

"I was hopping that if I evaluated Bree I could prove she is not crazy and at least make it so she could come home. Not to mention show the brutality that was used on her when she is perfectly well maybe that would give a little leverage for Gunner and JT on why they broke her out, because technically she was being torched."

Looking over to Hope Rosetta gives a smile. Hope had always done what she could to help those who were weak. She was good at her job, and she new just what allys to take.Rosetta could of hopped for a better reunion than this for seeing Hope again, but this was what it was and new she had a job to do here.

"Ok, gives me a second to go make sure JT is up, and see if Bree is well enough to talk with. Give me a second I'll be back."

Standing and putting her cup into the sink Rosetta makes her way out of the kitchen and into the dinning area going over to the small door. Giving a few knocks on the door before leaning close to it, to talk through.

"JT its Rosetta. Its ok to open the door."

Searching Alec's eyes Ryan rolls her own at his comment. If he had finished his statement she might have been tempted on throwing the deck of cards at his head and than they would of been back at square one, so she was happy he stopped.

Watching Alec as he moves around on the cot, and taking note to the empty space on the cot a small smile makes its way to the corners of her mouth. Taking a few steps twords the cot Ryan stops for a moment looking back at the door and than to Alec again, the grin on her face growing.

Sititng down on the cot sideways Ryan gets comfortable before gently taking the cards from the pack. Not to past to rip it as it was about to fall apart as it was from being so old. Shuffling the cards Ryan finally deals the cards out before looking up at Alec again.

"I delt now you pick your poison. Gin, Poker, War, Six card draw....name it"

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