

Giving a laugh and a wave Ryan starts out of the building again. Getting to her car Ryan pulls out her phone to call the shop and let them know she was going to be late but going to hit the button she notices its dead.

"You peace of crap."

Ryan toss the phone into the drivers seat and heads out of the parking lot. If she was lucky maybe her driving skills could come in handy and get her to work in a half way decent time.

Sitting with Sparky Faith pays close attachen to how he was rubbing the saddle also listing to his words closely like she always did. His voice was like a soft rain, or the wind blowing a chime, it was soft yet song, soothing, yet sent chills up her back.

"Ok, I got the front."

Taking the rag from Sparky Faith puts a little oil on it before placing it on the saddle. Gently starting to work the saddle her hands moved a little awkward not use to doing this, but she did her best to find a rhythm and  fall into step with Sparky.

Faith enjoyed spending time with Sparky and working along side him. Learning new stuff each day was fun, and it was nice to know that she to could help out around the ranch even with the little things. Not to mention the smell of oil, horses, and barns was one she quickly started liking.

Looking up at Sparky and giving a smile Faith's eyes sparkled, showing she truly was enjoying herself. Though it was only a minor thing to her it was great.

"I am doing ok?"

Finally pulling into the shop parking lot Ryan shoves the ticket into her pocket. It had been her own fault she got pulled over. She shouldn't have been speeding at all in town. But she was here now, and only...25 minutes late. Rolling her eyes at herself Ryan enters the shop not saying anything as she goes to the break room and puts her jacket in there. Than the time clock to punch in. Coming back out into the garage she takes in a few breaths before looking around at everone.

"Sorry Sorry I know I am late. I lost track of time."

Seeing her brother Ryan waves and smiles before going over to her work place. It wouldn't be hard to make up for lost time but it was just the fact that this had been the first time she had been late.Looking up at her bro as she tired the bandanna around her hair to pull it back she gives a sideways smile.

"Come to take my job from me because I was late?"

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