

Looking out at Kip, Karla gives as nod. She understood what he was saying and she knew they wanted to help, but this was all new to her.

"I understand. I just need everyone to give me a little breathing room so I can get used to this. I've been alone for so long that... I just need small bursts so I can adapt to having others there I guess."

Karla offers a smile to show she was thankful for the help and everything everyone was doing. Everything being thrown at her at once was just overwhelming and she needed that time to mourn her loss and get used to something new.

"Okay, lets get to dinner before everyone wonders where we are."

Giving another smile, Karla was ready to start. Start a new life, and start getting used to being around people. It would be short bursts at first, but she yearned to be with others so she would adapt quickly.


Amanda gives another laugh at JT's question. She didn't mean to laugh at everything he said. It just happened the questions he was asking were things she herself didn't even know. Strange but true when all she did was work alot.

"Well...you see I don't even know what qualification a guys needs to have for me. I would guess funny, kind hearted, understanding....Its pretty much a go on a date with me and see how it goes. Even with some of the things I listed off guys haven't lasted long because I just dont feel comfortable or feel like I click with them."

She new it sounded silly but it was the truth. There was only one time she ever was close to being with a guy but he never did get use to the fact she could be called away at any time to go to the hospital. Every other guy she tryed dating, was good looking, nice, funny, smart, but she just didn't feel...it.

Coming to a fence Amanda stops and leans against it just looking out over the field for a long moment. She hadn't been to this area of the ranch yet so she just wanted to take everything in while she could. Finally looking at JT again she smile.

"So what about you? How come you don't have a leading lady yet?"


Still keeping her one arm around Leo's neck and staying close to him Ryan uses the other like she is shoeing her brother off.

"...when have you known me to turn down pizza mmm?"

Turning back to Leo Ryan leans in pressing her lips to his for a long moment as her emotions and energy wash over them. She felt so happy, so full of joy she couldnt explained it any other way. Pulling away she just smiles, turning her back to Leo and leaning aganst his chesh.

"Alright kids, lets go have some fun eh?"

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