

Jade nuzzles into Dan's chest, giving a long, contented sigh. "Mmm... every day with you is a special one." Closing her eyes, she feel as though she could drift off right here. But a whinnying horse breaks the moment. 

"I guess I should go to the house and see if they need help getting things ready. It's about the only thing I do to earn my keep around here. I feel like I should be doing more but..." 

She shifts her head to look up at Dan, a grin on her face. "...I like spending my time out here with you too much." Taking her hand, she reaches above his ear to tuck down an unruly tuft of his hair. She liked the feel under her fingers, so she lets her hand linger below the brim of his hat. 

"I can't wait for tomorrow," she concludes softly. "I'm gonna miss you while I'm gone." Giving his lips one last kiss, she finally pulls away to stand up. "I'll see you in a while at supper." Smiling, she thumps the brim of his hat before heading towards the door.

Kip grimaces as he gingerly touches the bruise on his face. It had spread from his cheek to his eye overnight alright. "Hot, huh?" A small grin emerges. "That's a first." 

Sighing, he shakes his head. "I'd rather sneak out to shop than wear makeup. And as far as the money goes, don't worry about it, okay? I don't wanna make you feel bad or anything, but this is what friends do. If there's one thing I've learned, it's that eventually, the acts of friendship come back around. One of these days it might be me needing your help." 

He grabs his towel again, this time more careful as he dries the rest of his face, not giving Karla time to argue. "Twila might be disappointed though... I know she was hoping she could take you shopping." 

He pauses and looks to Karla. "She didn't mean to offend you the other day... I think she's just trying to help and get to know you better."

"Mm... yeah." Jason sighs. "I guess I see both sides to that thing. But I feel bad too. For Thirteen, I mean. She's missing out on a lot. She's got Ryder and I'm glad she's feeling more comfortable working for Carson and all... but there's something special about family."

He shrugs. "I never had much of it myself, but at least I had my mom, and Austin for a while until that fell apart. Now at least I know my dad and we're on okay terms. There's just something about knowing family is there, even if I'm not all that close to it, ya know?"

Twirling his water glass on the table, he continues to think. "What do you think Trent would do if Thirteen showed up at the ranch?" His suggestion was obvious, but he didn't dare ask outright if Katie would actually ask Thirteen to come along to Texas.

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