
Right Things

Hearing what Con said about Jason she couldn't help but look up at him surprised. Jason was really that miserable without her? That was hard to believe but Con wouldn't lie to her and she new that. It was still hard for her to swallow.

Taking the last sip of her coffee Katie puts the cup down and continues to listen to what Con said. Running her finger along the top she just though. Was she ready to go back to that? Did she want to? No matter how much she blamed herself at the moment Con brought into light that Jason had done a lot too. So where would her road lead?

   "You just always know the right things to say dont you?"

Katie tried to smile as she looked at Con. He was always the best, and she had missed having him around. Just wasn't the same. He listened to anyone and always had good advice. Jamie was so lucky.

   "I guess I have some thinking to do. Thank you Con for listing, I might possibly be back for some more advice."

Helping Con clean up the coffee cups and exchanging some hugs Katie new she had to get into work. With the FBI looming around she couldn't be to late least they thing she was up to something. She'd also shared with Con how much she missed him, and would like him to come back to the Elite, but hadn't lingered on that long. It was his choice and she new that. She just wanted to add her own two cents in there about it.

Getting back to work and sitting at her cubicle Katie went over some paper work that she had waiting for her. Though she had talked with Con this morning and it had been a good talk she was still feeling rather down. She was faced with new questions, new options, and new things to think about. This was going to take some time.

Glancing up and seeing Jason limping his way to Reese office the hair on her neck bristled. He had a blood stain on his pants. What had happened from when she left him yesterday, to here and now. She was ok obviously, but still, he had a target on his back and she didn't like it. Standing Katie makes her way over to him slowly. She couldn't just avoide him at work, not when it was clear he had been shot.

   "I leave you alone for a few hours and you go get yourself shot? Boy..what are you going to do with you."

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