
Forbidden Question

Listing intently to Garret Maggie's eyes never left his face. They way he talked it almost had her in a tance as she listend to him talk about the party's, the balls, and the dresses. She had never been to anything like that and had only seen that kind of stuff on tv.

Hearing Garret say something about someone being beautiful Maggie picked up on it fast. He couldn't help but wondering and before she could think about it she asked.

   "Did you have someone you danced with? Where is she now? I'd like to learn how to dance."

Looking at his sister from across the table Nate gave her a stern look but not angry. He new this would be a hard topic for Garret and maybe one right now he didn't want to talk about.

   "Maggie, finish eating and let Garret eat his ok?"


Maggie picked up her knife and fork again trying to hold it like Garret had showed her and cut some of her food. It felt strange but she was doing it anyways like Garret showed her. Maybe now the people at school wouldn't make fun of her.

Giving a laugh at Laura's comment about the ice cream he shakes his head and holds a look of guilt. Ice cream was his guilty pleasure. Just letting the silence linger for a long moment Nate finally talks again setting his fork down.

   "Tomorrow I'll be going into the office for a few hours. I have some paperwork I need to turn in. If you want to come with me for a little bit Garret."

   "Don't be sorry. As long as I get to spend time with you that's really all that matters."

Giving a smile Jess went into the kitchen and got some stuff together for ice cream in a bit before turning a movie on low. Sitting down she scooted into Axel and leaned her head on top of his. With all the trouble he already had with his hand she could only imagen how hard this would be.

As Axel talks again Jess heart hurt. She new how important all the stuff he just listed off was to him. Misty had helped him get a little of his life back, but what if it was damaged again. It had been hard the time time trying to repair it, now...she wondered if it would be almost impossible.

   "You'll take it one day at a time and just have to find something new to do. I know you can, and I know you will with enough determination. I'll be there to help. Have you called Misty? Maybe she can help again."

It had been a few days since Adison had seen Kirk and she was starting to get cranky, but she did her best to just give it time like he had asked but it had been so hard. So sitting across from him not made Adison happy and she new people back at work would be happy for sure as well.

Taking a sip of her own coffee Adison just listened to Kirk. She had no idea what he was talking about or why he would ask something like that. It seemed odd but maybe it was just all part of his top secret job now. Putting her coffee cup down Adison looked at Kirk question in her eye, but she would not ask.

   "I'd say...as long as you had my back I'd be all for it. Once reason I wanted to work for the FBI was to work on the cases that were harder, get the bad guys that were meaner, and help those who needed it."

Folding her arms on the table she looked down for a second before looking back to to him again. There was no joking tonight, at least not at the moment. This was work related it needed to be treated as such. Though she did wish it was a normal dinner, she new work always came first.

   "If the Agency is as bad as we have been told, they need to be brought down. No one should have that much power to hurt people for now reason. Why are you asking me?"

 Relizing she had asked the question he had said not too she rolled her eyes. It was in her nature to know everything and not just part so it was hard not to ask that. She just grined at Kirk.

   "Forget I asked that, forgot I cant ask the forbidden question...sorry."

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