

Watching Garret leave the room Nate looked back to Reese and Justin. Giving a little shake of his head he new it was best to take Garret home now for everyone sake. He couldn't help the feeling in his stomach he had though. All Garret had been through, he'd never asked for it, he never wanted it, he never had a choice. It made Nate's heartache. 

Passing his desk Nate grabs some paperwork and heads outside. Seeing Garret leaning against the wall. Heading over to him his face was soft, not angry. This was wasn't Garret's fact and even if he hadn't reacted the way he did, Nate didn't blame him.

   "I wont ask if you are ok, because right now I can't imagen you are. So I'll just ask if you are ready to go home? Laura should have lunch ready for us, and Maggie wont be home for a few hours so we can just relax."

Draping her arms over Kirk's legs Adison just sits there for a moment a giggles. She had to harass him every once in a while about his cleaning skills. If she didn't he'd think something was wrong and she just couldn't have that.

   "Maybe a little of both? You know..."

Throwing the pepper at him she laughed again ducking out from under his feet and jumping back to her spot on the couch. She was going to tell Kirk if he had a woman in his life maybe they would clean for him but she though maybe it better if she didn't. Kirk might get an idea, and than there friendship would be different.

   "...You know I like to do that. So yeah..clean under your couch" 

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