
Cut and Dry

Once dinner was finish and both of the kids were cleaned up Nate started to help clear the table. Getting into the kitchen with some dishes she stopped by Laura and gave a nod. He understood that right now she just didn't want to go in and see Garret. That was ok too he new she just needed some time. 

   "No problem I got it. Cold cloth, and try to get him to eat."

Giving her a kiss to the head and leaving the room Nate makes his way to the bathroom wet a cloth and bring the bowl of soup. Kicking on the door he opens it stepping into the room. 

   "Garret, it's Nate. I have another cloth and some food for you. You need eat at least a little bit tonight."

Seeing Garret just laying on the bed he felt so bad for him. How crappy he must feel, and how he must not be use to it. Nate couldn't imagen what it was like right now for him. He just hoped he'd eat a little bit. That would help him feel a little better, and help give him strength.

Maggie peeked her head in the room just watching Nate and Garret. She didn't go in yet though. Garret looks so tired, and he looked so sick. It made her sad, and she felt so bad for him. She just wanted him to be better.

Getting nudged by Ashlee a smile spread across her face. She wondered if he was going to show up. When he didn't after lunch and she didn't find him in Angel's office she had worried maybe she'd done something wrong and he just didn't want to talk to her anymore. She new that was over reacting just a little bit but still it was something that her mind though of. But he was here and now, and that doubt was chased away. 

   "It's no problem...I just thought maybe I had done something wrong. But you are here, so I guess it was me who was wrong. I hope everything is ok?"

Looking at Travis again and searching his face something was different than this morning. He looked, tired, worn out and maybe even a little stressed. She didn't know what was going on with him but she hoped maybe the sunset would help cheer him up a little.

   "Come on this way, its not to far away."

Taking his hand Ashlee led the way around some of the barns and through a small pasture before coming to a clearing. An old warn out log is where she lead them before sitting down. Just letting her feet swing a little they didn't touch the ground. No many trees were in this area so it was the perfect view. The sky was already started to change colors.
   "This is the best place I have found. After the sun sets too, you can see dots of fireflys too."

Giving a knock on the door and finding it unlocked Adison enters Kirk's house at the same time she hears a loud crash. She rolled her eyes to herself and wasn't all that worried. She could only go his report wasn't going all that well.

   "Kirk...it's me please dont throw anything else as I come in the door."

She couldn't help the small grin that formed on her face. She'd gotten in a few hours of sleep after work, and though she was still very tried she couldn't sleep anymore. It wasn't much of a surprise she found herself here at Kirk's again. It was often where she spend a lot of her free time outside of work. 

Getting to the doorway where Kirk was and seeing him pacing around and the mess on the floor she sigh a little. She felt bad about this while Elite thing. It was not something Kirk was use to doing, and not the cut and dry normal. She could tell his heart was on his sleeve with this one even if no one else could see it.

   "Going that good huh?"

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