

Hearing Nate mention Victoria, Garret stopped in his tracks. He turned slightly, his face barely visible under the shadow of his cap's brim. Was it true? Had Victoria really been in contact with Nate? Why hadn't she told him? Why had she not wanted him to know? His emotions felt hurt. But his logic knew that she had only done the smartest thing to keep them both safe. Had he known she was helping him from a distance, he would have gone back in to try and get her out...and she knew that. But why even help if she hadn't wanted to stay? Why involve and endanger herself like that if she really didn't agree with him in the first place? And now that he knew, what was he supposed to do?

Having remained silent, Garret suddenly realized that Nate was heading back to his truck. Deciding not to respond, he simply turned to keep walking in the opposite direction. His destination? Unknown. But he wasn't ready to go back. All he wanted was to be alone...

...Evening. Clouds had covered the sky most of the day, and there was a scent of rain in the air. Garret's boots crunched on the bits of gravel along the edge of the road before he stopped at the end of the driveway. He wasn't sure how many miles he'd walked today, but he'd only taken a rest once or twice. He'd skipped supper the night before, and now having not had any food or water all day, his body was warning him not to push it much farther. In spite of all the miles though...he was still in North Springs.

Just standing at the end of the driveway for a few moments, he stared at the house. He couldn't have told anyone how to get here, and he didn't know the address, but his good sense of direction had led him, and he'd found it. Why, he wasn't quite sure. And a good part of him would just as soon keep right on moving. But without a destination...this was the only place he could think of where he might find a moment of rest before he decided whether he'd really go back to the Elite or not.

As his stomach growled, he sighed. Asking favors was not something he was used to. Finally he walked up the driveway and stepped up on the porch just as the first few raindrops started to fall. He shifted his backpack on his one shoulder, then rang the doorbell.

When the door opened, warmth, light and the smells of dinner wafted out into the evening, wrapping around Garret's senses. And in the silence, he wondered if that was fear in Laura's eyes or just caution. Seeing the toddler on her hip, it was probably just the caution of a mother, and Garret couldn't blame her for that. "Is Nate home?"

Laura blinked. She'd heard about what happened today and certainly had not expected the rogue man to show up here. Her hand still held a crumpled napkin with traces of macaroni and cheese she'd wiped off Brian's chin. "Um. Yes...yes he is. Wait right here."

Going back down the short hallway and around the corner, Laura forced a smile so as not to upset Maggie, before looking to Nate. "You have a visitor. He's waiting at the door."

Remaining outside the open door with respect, Garret waited. Who knew? With him going off like he had, Reese might not even allow him back into the Elite building anyway. Not that he wanted to. Did he? Would Nate even allow him to be here at his home? Most people would shut the door in his face and lock all their windows to keep an assassin like him away from their family. This...this was what made him feel like a foreigner.

Justin moved his his coffee mug to his other hand so his fingers could intertwine with Beth's. Turning, he kissed the top of her head, and just let her rest against him, quiet for a few moments. "The sun is always shining," he answered quietly. "Even if the clouds cover it up...it's there." 

Those were brave words for someone who felt as if his world was covered in one of the darkest rain clouds he'd ever experienced. He had to tell her. He had to tell her the truth before she learned it from someone else. He wanted to wait. Would that be better? No...no, it was best to get it over with. He took a sip of tea while trying to muster up enough courage. 

"Before anything else is done," he started softly, "there's something you need to know." How was he supposed to help her through this when he'd caused it in the first place? He swallowed hard. "Your sister...she shouldn't have died. She, um..." His nerves got the best of him as he fidgeted too much with his warm drink. Without time to react, the mug had slipped from his grasp. He tried to catch it, but it was no use. Shattering on the porch step, fragments and hot tea went everywhere - including his bare feet and pant legs. "Oh for crying out–" He bit his tongue, only because Beth was there. 

Sighing, he stared at the mess...and the mug he now owed his mother. The scene was exactly how he felt inside, too. "Your sister's death wasn't of natural causes," he finally told her. His eyes remained down. "It was the Agency - the group who kidnapped Grace. There were two targets...to ensure they would get to me one way or another. And...I didn't think about having anyone guard your sister. I didn't think they'd go that route." As his emotions threatened to emerge, he stood and walked down a couple steps to kneel and pick up pieces of the broken mug. "I'm sorry..." He still couldn't look her in the eye. "It's my fault this happened and... I don't know what to do, other than stop being involved with the Elite so no one else will get hurt." 

Warm, wet shards lay in his palm and he remained on his knees, afraid to get up lest Beth see the tears behind his eyes. "But that doesn't do anything to help your sister now."

Realizing the stranger knew him, Mick stopped and squinted at him. That face...something about it was familiar, as was the voice. Like a voice out of the past...the distant past. He cocked his head, still confused. Then it hit him and his eyes widened. "Xander?" He shook his head then offered a handshake. "Good land it's been a long time! You're our contact? Here to help get Travis? I had no idea you were connected to the Elite." 

He blinked again, still in a bit of shock as old memories flooded his mind. Most of them were good, even though the times had been hard. Xander had been as much a part of the family as Luke had. There for a while, Mick had even thought that Xander and Rosetta would start a life together, but like for most of them, paths had parted. 

Clearing his mind, Mick shifted his shotgun under his arm and nodded to the house. "I have a feeling we're going to have hours of catching up, but unfortunately we've got a more dire situation on our hands that needs our attention first. Were you brought up to speed before coming?"

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