

Angel's silent warning did not go unnoticed, and it made Travis even more frustrated. What was really going on here? Why did he feel like he was surrounded by secrets? Angel seemed so nice, so why was she helping his dad keep him in the dark? Something was super strange about this entire thing. He should be in a hospital bed, not at some ranch eating homemade soup. It was like some eerie horror flick, except he felt oddly safe.

He smiled at Ashlee, not allowing his face to portray what was going through his mind. She seemed to be an innocent party in all this.

"Yeah...I like horses. My dad taught me how to ride. He's great on horseback. Me, not so much, but I do like it."

Now that he'd been up, talking and eating, his exhaustion was returning, and he fought to keep his eyes open. "So, um, lots of people here, huh? Must be quite a place for my dad to come here for help."

Garret really didn't feel like he'd been all that much of a help. After all, there was still a maniac on the loose that was helping kill their people...but if that's all it took for Nate to thank him, then maybe this was going to be easier than he thought. Boring maybe, but easy. 

"Least it got me out for a while," he reasoned. It did give him something to do, which was nice. Maybe he really had finally made some progress. 

As they drove, the wheels in his mind still turned, even though he remained quiet. Eventually though, he spoke. "That place. Brookshire. That's where Scott was kept for a long time, isn't it?" 

Relieved Misty would allow him inside, Carson followed her to the kitchen and sat at the small table. It felt like home. Yet it felt like a stranger's house. He'd been gone for so long now...but it wasn't as messy as she feared. 

After giving Misty her coffee and roll and beginning to eat, Carson rested his elbows on the table, cupping the coffee between his hands. He could make a bunch of smalltalk... he could ignore what had happened yesterday... but... he needed to figure out how to say what he should. "Listen, um..." He glanced up at Misty, searching her eyes. "About...yesterday." He gave her a small, almost apologetic smile. "I, um... I... guess maybe I misunderstood your intentions. When I asked to come home, I... I really thought you were gonna say yes." 

Disappointment reentered his eyes as the flame grew dim. "It hurt, ya know?" It was hard saying this. He'd never been good about voicing his feelings, especially when his emotions felt this raw. "Felt like you just used me to have a good time. If I would have..."

His voice trailed off as his eyes landed on her left hand. Her wedding ring. She was wearing her ring? His eyes snapped back up at her in shock as his confusion doubled. Slowly sliding his hand across the table, he took her hand in his, and ran his thumb over the diamond. Tears entered his eyes, though he didn't let them fall. "I can't do this, Misty," he whispered. "I can't give you everything I've got just to be rejected over and over. What's it going to take? It's like you're two different people and I don't understand why you won't let me come home." 

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