
Self defense?

Rosalyn blinked as Chad stopped her and forced her to look up at him. All it took was gazing into those eyes to make her melt. Maybe that's what she feared the most - realizing he had that much power over her. And yet it's also what she loved the most. She swallowed hard as tears surfaced but she didn't let them spill over. Would she ever stop being surprised at his sensitivity and care?

She finally nodded. "Okay," she whispered. "I'll go with you." Wrapping her arms around him, she burried her face against his chest and just breathed deeply his warmth and strength. Was she doing the right thing? Was she making the right choice? She could only hope and pray that she was.

Lifting her face, she stood on her tiptoes so her lips could reach his. Her hands crept around and up to his shoulders before her fingers found the nape of his neck to toy with his hair as she kissed him. Would she ever tire of this? She was pretty sure that would be impossible. Was this really forever? In the depths of her heart, she hoped so. 

Drawing back just a little, she lowered from her tiptoes, and nuzzled her head into his shoulder, giving his neck one last kiss. "When do we have to leave?" 

The ride had been silent for twenty minutes, but Mick's patience was growing thin. Though concentrating on the dark road as he followed the other pickup, his eyes kept glancing at his brother who hadn't said a word since leaving Rosalyn's.

"You've got about a half hour left," Mick finally warned. "If you don't start talking, I'm going to pull over and wait until you do."

Jim leaned his head back on the seat's headrest and sighed. His gaze remained on the passing lines on the road that were lit up by the headlights. It had been hard enough to confess everything to Chad and Rosalyn. He was so tired and just wanted to be left alone. But he knew his brother was serious - Mick really would pull over if he didn't get any answers. "Chad's here. Rosalyn will probably leave with him so she'll be safe. I'm pretty sure they'll get married one of these days. And I don't know if or when she'll be back."

Mick's fingers toyed with the texture on the steering wheel. What had happened at the house? "Did you fight with them?"


"Why did you come into town?"

"To warn them about the Agency and to give my daughter my blessing."

Mick lifted one eyebrow. "I find that hard to believe."

"I know." Jim adjusted his seatbelt and sighed again. "I just want her to be safe and happy. So that's what I told her. And Chad promised he'd keep her safe."

"And...you're just...suddenly...okay with this?"

"The only sudden thing about any of this is the Agency. My love for my daughter hasn't changed, nor has my disdain for Chad, but I respect him as the man my daughter has fallen in love with."

Mick's brow furrowed and he concentrated on the road for a moment as they came to an intersection and turned. "Who are you?"

Jim's mouth upturned slightly. "A man. Just a man."

"So why did Rosalyn call to have us drive you back?"

That was an even longer story. But Jim shared it as well. It was pointless to try and hide his fast-declining eyesight. By the time they arrived back at the ranch, Mick had a much better understanding of exactly what had been going on. Jim's behavior was still inexcusable but at least now it made more sense. The others would need to be told. But Mick would allow Jim to tell Becky and Clint first before spreading the word.  

Wyatt kept a close eye on Grace as they headed back to headquarters. She looked okay other than being shook up, but he'd feel better once Rick checked her over. As far as the front seat was concerned, Wyatt wanted to know exactly what had happened with Garret tonight and why there was a dead body in the trunk. He hadn't heard any shots being fired...

..."Hi, Grace, my name is Rick." He gently led her to the table where he motioned for her to sit. "You don't have to worry any more," he assured. "You're safe here. I just want to make sure you're really okay, then we'll make sure you're with someone safe until this whole thing blows over." He smiled warmly as he started by shining a light in her eyes and beginning his routine surface examination. 

"I know you're probably very confused," he continued, keeping his voice as gentle as always. He'd been given the rundown on this entire case. "It's just that your boyfriend's brother unintentionally made some enemies by working here, with the Elite, and they decided to get to him through a back door - you. They probably want Jared to blame Justin for all of this just to cause psychological strife. But now that they failed, everything is going to be just fine." 

Justin was on his feet the instant he saw Nate, Wyatt and Garret heading down the hallway to check in with Reese. Told that Grace was in the infirmary but okay, his relief was beyond description. By now it was close to midnight, but all tiredness was forgotten. "Come on," he urged his brother. "Let's go see her." He left the break room, but when he realized Jared wasn't following, he stuck his head back around the corner. "You coming?" 

Jared swallowed hard. He was so incredibly glad Grace was okay. She really was okay. They hadn't killed her. They'd found her. Rescued her. She was safe. And yet...he found it difficult to move. He'd been so mean to her. He'd said such cruel things. He was pretty sure she wouldn't even want to see him. It might just make things worse. He finally shook his head. "Go on," he requested quietly. "I'll... I'll see her in a while."

Justin knew exactly what was going on without asking, and though he didn't think it was a healthy reaction, he wasn't going to sit here and baby his brother. "Fine." He aimed for the infirmary himself, and was even more relieved when he saw Grace with his own eyes. He didn't know her all that well, but even so, this was all because of him. "Grace..." He came up beside Rick. "I'm so sorry about all of this. I had no idea my involvement here would put anyone in danger, let alone you."

"Okay. So..." Reese stood in his office, arms folded as he looked between the three men. "The girl is safe. Congratulations on a successful mission." He was actually just relieved Garret hadn't turned on anyone or disappeared. "And I'm told we also have one dead Agency operative that I have to get to the morgue. Who wants to explain how that happened?"

Wyatt frowned and nodded to Garret. "Nobody saw it but him, so I guess he's up."

Garret's eyes narrowed slightly before he looked calmly to Reese. "It was self defense. The guy had a gun and I took him down."

"Yeah?" Wyatt interrupted. He'd taken a good look at the body after they'd gotten back. "Since when is breaking someone's neck self defense?"

Reese's eyes widened. "Excuse me?"

Garret's expression didn't change. "He came at me and I took him down. End of story."

Wyatt wasn't finished. "Why did you break communication?"

"I told you, my earpiece got knocked off in the scuffle."

Reese glanced at Nate, his son, then Garret. Why was the air so tense? "Anything else we should know?"

Garret remained standing tall. "No, Sir."

The "sir" made Reese quirk an eyebrow. "As far as I'm concerned, breaking someone's neck is not considered self defense. Why didn't you lay him out like you did Aaron?"

"I had to act fast, and he gave me no choice."

Wyatt scowled, not happy with the answer. How could they possibly keep someone around who would actually be this brutal? Even a gunfight would have been more acceptable. But the fact alone that Garret actually knew how to break someone's neck like that was reason for concern.

Reese wasn't done mulling this one over, but for now, they had more immediate issues. "Do we know anything about the second target?"

Garret spoke again. "The operative confirmed a second target does exist, but he didn't give any indication of who it is or where they are."

"Well, I know Justin's entire family is safe, along with those he cares for, so I'm tempted to think the Agency is bluffing just to make us worry."

"Then you're making a very big mistake," Garret warned.

Reese pursed his lips and thought a moment before looking to Nate. "Make sure someone picks up the body, then I'll need a full report about this entire incident. We may get away with it since it's the Agency, but we're going to have to make it look awfully good on paper."

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