
My Promise

As Justin leaves again to answer his phone Grace just lets Rick finish. Her mind drifted to Jared. Was he still mad at her? Or was he feeling bad about there might and than what happened? All she new is she wanted to see Jared as soon as she could.

Seeing Rick was done Grace looks at him searching his face. She wondered if she was ok to go or if they needed her to stay around longer.

   "Can I go find Jared since Justin said he was here? I wont leave, I just...I need to see him."

Sitting with Lydia Beth's tears had stopped but she sat there still, her cheeks stained with tears and her eyes blood shot. She had cried hard, harder than she had in a long time. Her only family left was gone. On the inside she still was crying but the tears just wouldn't fall anymore.

Hearing someone come in the front door Beth didn't even move. Maybe it was Justin, or maybe it was someone else she didn't know. Looking up though as they came into the living room she was thankful it was Justin.  At the moment he was really the only person she wanted.

Standing and going over to Justin when he held out his arms Beth just buried her face into his chest. Tears find her eyes once again and she shoulder shakes. She just hoped this was a dream, but with every hour that went by she new it wasn't/

Seeing Justin Jamie gives a nod and a sad smile. In the pit of her own stomach she couldn't help but wonder if this had been the second target. They had taking so much care in making sure everyone was safe and still the Agency had the upper hand. 

   "We can stick around longer if you need us too."

Nate sat in his cubical alone going over notes. Today had been a success, or had it really. Garret killed someone, someone bad, someone who might have ended up killing another person. If not this time, another time would come. So had it really been wrong? Nate new the answer to that question, but he also new everything that revolved around this whole thing with understanding. To Garret this was nothing, this was't even a kill that would of satisfied him. But this was normal. Nate tried to build a defense in his head before anyone even asked. He new time would come someone would...He just wanted to be ready. 

Giving a nod to Rosalyn's response Chad understood. He new too though this would even be harder with just a phone call. He just hoped her mom and bother would understand, and they were doing the right thing.

Going over to the couch and sitting down Chad motioned for Rosalyn to sit down next to him. Turning a little to look into her eyes his gaze was still loving, but perhaps more serous than he'd ever been before, at least around Rosalyn.

   "To be honest, I'm scared to death too. Not just of this threat we are facing but the love I have for you too. "

Stopping for a second Chad searches Rosalyn's face. Would she ever tire of him? Would he let her down sooner or later? These were all his own fears he had even if he seemed very confidant.

   "I've never loved some one as much as I love you. I didn't even know it was passable honestly.  I can't promise you I will be perfect, and I can't promise things will be easy. But I can promise I will always love you no matter what life throws, I'd make you do anything you didn't want too. You'd always have a choice.  I just hope...you'll never get tired of me."

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