
Main Concern

Sitting in the living room with Rosalyn and Jim, Chad kept his fingers intertwined with his. He could see how nervous she was and it made his heart hurt. He hated seeing her like this and not being able to help in any way.

Listing to everyone all over again the wheels in Chad's head had already started to turn. He didn't really understand The Agency, and why any of this happening but it wasn't going to cause him to run. He couldn't, he couldn't let Rosalyn face whoever these people were alone. So his brain worked, processed, and figured things out while Jim talked.

Once the talking was done Chad was quiet for a moment still. Looking to Rosalyn, than to Jim, and back to Rosalyn he took in a long sigh.

   "That's a lot to take in at once, and I dont quite understand it all, but first and for most, they would have to kill me to keep me from Rosalyn."

Drawing quiet again Chad thinks a moment again. What he would say next had to be said delicately or it could be taken the wrong way. He felt like he was getting somewhere with Jim and the last thing he wanted was to make it all so south.

    "I have to leave in a few days to get back to work. I would suggest Rosalyn ether head back to the ranch with you today or come with me so she would be safe. I have an extra room at my place, My twin bother lives there with me, along with another woman who works with us."

Since they all worked together it was just easier to live together as well and in the long run saved money with how much they travailed.

   "We still have an extra room and that could be your room. It even has its own bathroom, so you would have your own privacy, with a little patio on the back as well."

Chad looked to Jim and searches his face for a long moment hoping he wouldn't think worse of him now for suggesting this. Than looking back to Rosalyn he smiles.

   "As for money its not something you wouldn't have to worry about since I am guessing it wouldn't be permanent, and with how we travel I would assume you would come too and that could be hard with a job. But if you really want one, you can always work with me and do some odd jobs, or there are a lot of part time jobs that are flexible. But that is my suggestion and the best possible way I can keep you safe. Ultamitly it is up to you Rosalyn and how you feel, but do not think it a burden, because it wouldn't be. Having you around more, would definitely be a bright spot."

Xander just listened as Chance started to talk. When it came to a lot of stuff that happened at the Elite he was clueless. Being out in the field would do that, and though he was out of the loop and felt lost he new it was best. But if he was being told all this now, that what would it mean for him, what would it mean for his family.

Smile as Abby came into the room Xander accepted the cup of coffee, and waited while she asked if Chance wanted anything too. Once she had left again he took a sip of his coffee before nodding for Chance to continue. Abby new about the Elite, and she new about The Agency, but still he wanted to avoid talking about it in from of her or the kids. This whole thing was dangerous, and heaven forbid if anything happened He wanted them to be able to deny they new anything with a mostly clear continuous to give them a better chance of survival. 

As Chance continues and mention of the ranch was brought up Xander couldn't help but perk up a little. He remember everyone who had been there when he was, he could still see all there faces. Even if they more than likely had aged now, he remembered them.  They say home is where your heart is, and while his heart was with his family, the ranch in Texas would always be the second place his heart would rest. 

   "Of course I remember them...how could I forget. That was a big part of my life for a long time."

Falling silent again he lets Chance continue once more and he took everything in. This was sudden, and this was unexpected, but this was something he did know would come sooner or later. As much as he wished it was later, it was happening now. 

Hearing voices from the hall break his consideration for a moment as two boys appear for a moment and than disappear into the kitchen as some laughter follows. Leaning to the right on the arm rest it was just enough room to see into the kitchen. Both boys helped there mother with plates, and little Violet despritly tried to get the older of the two boys attahen. Putting the plate down the boy finally turned to his sister and picked her up swinning her in a circle for a moment as she giggled, before disappearing again to place her in her high chair.

The smile grew on Xnader's face. He'd gotten so lucky with his family, it was everything he ever could of wanted and he felt blessed. Now it was his time to put away his selfish wants and protect his family. Turning back to Chance he nods there was no second option.

   "I'll do it, as long as you do stay here still my family leaves for Texas. There safety is all I care about. Promise me that, and I'll help. No matter what happens to me, they are my main concern."

As commotion insured outside the dark cold room Grace wrapped her arms about herself scared. She didn't know what was going on, but she hoped the new where not back to ask her more questions. Everything they asked confused her. Why was Jared's brother so important to these men and why where they asking her? 

When the door opened and the light shone in Grace couldn't help but cower a little as her eyes tried to adjust. She didn't know who was standing there or what they wanted but it made her heart race. Hearing a voice she didn't know the tone was much different than her chapters, This one brought comfort, help and trust. 

Looking up again and seeing Wyatt'd hand Grace took it her own shaking. She didn't know if she could walk let alone run even if she was standing but she would try, and someone was there to rescue her. Still not saying anything she move forward to be even with Wyatt. Looking up at him, and than looking at the door she was ready.

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