
Ready, Willing, Able....

Dressed in her best blouse and slacks Karla stood outside the door for a long moment. She was scared for this new adventure. What if she wasn't good? What if she couldn't learn fast enough, What if she ended up not getting along with Levi and his dad and she just failed horribly. The more stood there the more what ifs came to her mind and she new if she didn't go in now she never would.

Pushing the door open and stepping inside Karla gives a shy smile to Levi and a small wave as she walked over to him. Looking around she wasn't sure if the place looked better than the last time, or if it was a rushed attempt to look better. Either or it made her laugh a little on the inside.

   "I'm here, ready, willing and able to learn...I'm ready and able anyways, not sure if I am here though. Had a late start this morning and had to give up drinking my coffee or i'd never walk here in time."

Shifting a little Karla felt slightly awkward not really knowing what to do or where they wanted to her to start. Most odd jobs she had were pretty straight forward, this was completely different.

Angel did her best to help where she could though she felt pretty helpless. She hated The Agency, she hated that her nephew was there, but she felt to old for all this. There fight had been going on for so long, she wondered when it would be over. There children were already dragged into this...or would there Childrens children be dragged into this as well.

The day grew long and as Angel was about to go back to her office to work on a few things she needed to Lane's ringing phone made her stop as she drew closer. Looking over everyone shoulder and seeing Travis on the computer screen she brought a hand up to her mouth to muffle she own soft cry.

To watch and not be able to do anything, that was the worst thing of all and Angel didn't know how much she could take. Feeling Luke's hand on her shoulder Angel turned to him with tears in he eyes as she wrapped her arms around him and buried her face into his shoulder. When would this end...

Nate give a nod to Jason in thanks. Even if he didn't trust Garret, he did trust him and that's all Nate could ask for and be thankful.

   "Alright than, lets fill the others in, and when I see Reese I'll let him know whats going on. At least if we get everything ready and he says no it will be no big deal, but if he says yes, we dont have to scramble around."

Time seemed to pass rather quickly, as they planned and filled those in who needed to know. Looking up at the sound of footsteps and Reese Nate new he needed to go talk to him now. Letting everyone know he'd be back his path was set for the office.

Giving a tap on the door Nate entered eyeing Reese for a long moment. He was nervous, but at least he was telling him what was going on before hand like he'd wanted.

   "Hey I needed to talk to you for a second about getting Grace back."

Going into all the details, and all the options Garrets had given them Nate put everything out on the table for Reese not holding anything back. Looking at him he had no idea how Reese was taking this but he hope it was good.

   "So that was our plan. I would of asked you sooner but I couldn't find you. We have everything set up, but now are just waiting for your ok."


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