

Sitting down on one of the swings Karla could feel her heart beat faster and faster. Something was not right and Kip stammering just proved it even more. Listing to his words and not being able to get any of her own Karla stiffened at Whitney's name. She wasn't the jealous type but she didn't like Whitney at all, she was trouble and just bothered her.

As Kip continued Karla could feel sadness, and maybe even a little anger show on her face. This was really happening? Kip really let this happen? She couldn't describe how betrayed she felt. She reality didn't expect Kip to honestly do this. Getting up from the swing Karla just looked at Kip for a moment.

   "I...I don't know what to say Kip. I'm angry, I'm disappointed...I just don't know. I need time to think about this. Just...I need to go."

Turning Karla walked away heading back the way she came. She was just to upset to stand there anymore. It wasn't till she was a little bit away that tears sprung into her eyes. Her life was just starting to get on track and now this was here to just rune it all.

Getting home Karla didn't bother to say hi to anyone, she didn't even bother getting a snack. She went right up to her room closing the door behind her. Throwing herself on her bed and buring her face in a pillow she let out a long scream as the tears just continued to fall.

Getting back to the Elite Katie had to admit to herself she was sad the night was over. It had been a good one and it was nice to have hung out with friends. The friends, food, music it had all been nice, and a nice change. It had been far to long.

Turning to face Jason a little Katie smiles just looking at him for a long moment. It had been a nice night. A little sad at times as she remembered the days long gone, but mostly happy as she built a new friendship, and saw old friends once again.

   "Any time you know that, it's what I am good at, and the world would be a lot less exciting without you in it so I might as well. Nite J, take care and I'll see you tomorrow."

   "Mmmm...I don't have an answer to that unfortunately. The only thing I could imagen is sometimes we have to hit rock bottom before we can start going up again."

Grace thinks for a moment before coming and sitting on the bed again. She wished she had all the answers, it would make so many things better. Specially now and with what Jared was going through.

   "I wish I had all the answers for you, and I wish I could tell you everything happens for a reason, but I can't because I simply dont know. All I do know is we have to keep pushing on, smiling when we don't want to and kick life in the face when things are not fair and I want to be there to help you because I care."

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