
Donut Runs

Hearing the knock on the door, Kip's heart lurched. He'd been pacing his bedroom ever since Karla had said she was coming over. Things were going to be okay, right? He knew things wouldn't be back to normal right away, but she'd give him a chance to prove he wouldn't be stupid again, surely. Whatever she asked of him, he'd do it to make things right again.

Opening up the door, for a quiet moment he just looked at Karla, his eyes wearing the same sorrowful look they had the other night. He wanted to reach out and hug her, but her expression made him leery. Maybe he should wait.

Backing up, he gestured to his bed where they always sat and talked or cuddled while watching a movie. "Come on in," he invited quietly. "I'm... I'm glad to see you." He really was. Her coming over was a good sign. He tucked his hands in his jeans pockets and shifted his weight awkwardly. "If you wanna stay a while, I can grab us a couple cans of pop or something..."

Jason obeyed Misty's directions, though he sighed when she listed all the reasons for concern when it came to the Agency. He winced a little as she cleaned the wound, but didn't complain. He knew good and well this was the wise thing to do.

He gave her a wry grin as she finished up. "It wasn't my bodyguard's fault. Nobody coulda seen this one - the shooter was too far away. Wyatt feels bad enough the way it is."

Rolling his sleeve back down, he remained seated on the bed. It felt a little awkward to have Misty help him. Though they were okay, it felt like things between them just hadn't ever been quite settled. Though interacting at work, there was just this invisible wall, and Jason hated it. Mostly because he knew it was his own fault. He hadn't exactly planned on saying anything today but...maybe taking advantage of the moment wouldn't be so bad. "Speaking of Wyatt... he told me last night that I'm a jerk." He bit his lip. "Talk about a buzz kill." Really? That's where he chose to start? He inwardly rolled his eyes at himself.

"He pointed out rather boldly that I'm awfully good at starting things...and just as good at not following through. I was mad at him...til I realized he was right."

Would saying these things really make any kind of difference? He had his doubts, but it was too late to stop now. "I guess I really have built quite a pattern of getting in too deep then royally messing things up, and... I know I've apologized for what happened with us but...I guess I'm still sorry. I can't change anything now. I was dumb from the get-go. I don't regret being there for you... I just went about things all wrong and... If I could go back and do things differently, I would."

He searched Misty's face, hoping she wouldn't think him crazy. "Guess I deserved the tongue-lashing from your cousin, but..." He shrugged. "Thought maybe we could at least shoot for being friends again?" A little grin surfaced. "And I'm the kind of friend who even goes on donut runs in the middle of the day...in case bribery works."

Jared didn't move or say anything as Grace approached and sat down after shifting his legs. But he didn't complain either. Truth be told...as miserable as he was, her words touched a part of his heart that he usually kept too deeply for anyone to reach. It didn't bring a smile to his face, but he knew what she really meant. He knew her statement didn't just apply to the literal storm clouds rolling by.

Remaining silent, it wasn't clear how many minutes passed until he stirred. It was difficult - especially after going these last few days without any therapy - but he slipped his legs off her lap and shifted his weight. It was wobbly on the swing, but he managed to make the effort anyway, until he was eventually opposite of what he was before. Though his legs weren't as comfortable, he ignored the pain, and leaned back until his head was resting in Grace's lap. He still said nothing, but simply closed his eyes as the swing rocked gently. A tear slipped down the side of his face, as his fingers found her hand. Words couldn't express how dark the world felt to him right now. 

"Please don't make me do therapy today," he whispered.

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