
Sacred Parts

   "Mmmm...I can understand what you mean about not wanting to make people worry. It's in our nature really to want to shield people from the unpleasant things. I do think though Bree would rather know about your "crap" than not know about it. She seems pretty understanding."

Hope gives a soft smile at Gunner. She new he was worried about telling her, and letting Bree in. She could understand it too. But she had a feeling that no matter what Bree would always be there for Gunner and would always support him through anything.

   "You know...I think you and Bree are perfect for each other really. You both seem to ground one another. She has her quirks, and her own insatiability, and you have yours. But together you are both so strong and show so much love."

Leaning forward and placing her arms on her desk Hope nods slightly as she looked at Gunner and smiled. There sessions were always good, and she always felt like they were taking steps forward. She hoped she had been helping and in moments like this when Gunner choose to stay and not walk out she really did see what she was doing was making a difference.

   "I think it's that love, that connection you need to feed off of. She is your light house and will help you battle those rough waves to find safety and you here. Hiding it away...it only hurting you more. I think Bree is the key to everything...and letting her help...is the answer."

  "Just...dont give up before you actually give finding you a chance. Enough when it gets rough, and even in the bad days just continue to push forward."

Sapphire smiles before turning away again and falling silent. Out of the courner of her eye she can see Garret choke down some more of his drink and she can't help the small chuckle that came out. Justin sure did have a strange eating pattern but she could guarantee it was more than likely super healthy. 

Looking down at the half of sub she had left she pushes the plat twords Garret. She was almost full and she didn't want the rest of this to go soggy. That would be a crime in itself.

   "Here you go...if you want something a little more than Justin's green goo...you can have the rest of this. I'm actually getting full. You can't have my mountain dew though...thats sacred in these parts."

   "Shhh...it's ok, I understand."

Chad would stand here forever if he could with Rosalyn. Comforting her, holding her, keeping her safe. It's all he wanted to do. To reassure her that everything was going to be ok, and he wasn't going anywhere.

  "I miss you too, more than anyone will every know."

Just standing there nothing else mattered in the moment. Not that they were still on the porch, not that there was whispering from inside. It was just himself and Rosalyn there. The rest of the word was non exsistant. He just wanted this moment to be about them.

   "Never could I give up on such beauty. Thank you for being excited to see me after all."

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