
Bar of Gold

Chad can't help but laugh at all Rosalyn's questions as he shook his head slightly. She was so adorable and it made it even more so that she didn't know she was. Every breath, word, question, moment was special with her. 

Taking her hand and lowering himself down on the step Chad pulled her into his lap and just wrapped his arms around her. Giving her a kiss to the top of her head he just leaned his onto hers as the sun warmed his face.

   "I can stay as long as you need or want me too. My brother is covering the on field work for me, and I have my laptop with me I can work on some research, and what not from there. So I wont be totally slacking...though if I did it would be for a great reason."

Leaning back and letting out a small breath of air Chad was quiet for a moment thinking about the rest of Rosalyn's questions. He could see the slight worry in her eyes and it made him sad that she even had to. He new part of it was his fault and he did feel a little bad.

   "I'll more than likely be staying at a hotel here in town. Yes it was Clint, and I original called the ranch when I couldn't get you on your phone but no one answered there. I was getting worried so I did go to the ranch and talked with Clint. I didn't see you dad, so I dont know if he new I was there or not."

   "You'll get use to people like Justin being here one moment and than gone the next. In a hurry they always are, but I guess its with good reason."

Leaning back in her chair Sapphire give a yawn and a groan that followed. She had a pile of work waiting for her but she really didn't want to work on it. Today was just one of those days and she'd rather be else where.

Looking at Garret for a long moment she wondered if maybe he could help her? Work wouldn't be to bad if there was someone to char with every now and than or at least maybe it would go faster. 
   "Hey, you wouldn't happen to be good at sorting, and data input would you? I've got a mountain of work waiting for me and very little motivation to do it. It would be nice to have some help. I'll even share a Mountain Dew with you as payment and thats like getting a bar of gold right there."
Waving back at Gunner Hope shook her head. They had, had a good session today and she was thankful for that. They had been making progress even if it was small amounts at a time. It was still something and it pleased her.

Taking the notes from Justin Hope flips through them quickly for a moment. Seeing they were about Garret she was thankful for them. In case anything happened and Justin wasn't around she'd be prepaired. It was nice to be included as well.

   "Great, thank you. These will come in handy. I hope I wont even need to use them, but definitely nice to have to look over so I am not in the dark. Just in case."

Putting the paper work on Garret into her desk Hope turns her attachen to Justin once again as he has a new question. Thinking for a moment she chews on the tip of her pen absentmindedly. Getting up and wondering over to her bookshelf Hope scans them all before reaching out and grabbing one. Thumbing through it for a moment she figured this might be the best on for what little she new.

   "Here you go. This book covers a wide verity of different things dealing with depression, and loss. Some stuff might not even pertain to what you are handling but I think it would be the best thing to look through and see what does. I know I have another book too but I think its at home. I'll take a look tonight and let you know next time I see you."

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