

Justin nodded, with a smile. "Of course you can get back to me. Think about it. I really just want to make this as comfortable for you as I can. I know it feels awkward and unnatural, but that's normal. The main thing is that you keep the goal of being healthy again and work towards that. Without your help, my job would be impossible."

A motorcycle engine brought their conversation to a halt, and Justin glanced over his shoulder and grinned. "Looks like your brother decided to pick you up on his bike."

Parking a short distance away, Eli cut the engine and waved, leaving his helmet on. He'd brought Ryan in the car, but thought the bike would be fun and maybe make Ryan smile. He reached around and unhooked the extra helmet and held it up so she could see he'd come prepared. And, as soon as she was back home, he was meeting Scarlet at the coffee shop. She was back in town, and he had a lot of talking to do. 

Laura snuggled into Nate's hug and returned his kiss, even though it was short-lived. She couldn't help her smile and chuckle as she shook her head. "Yeah, you boys have fun. As long as I don't get sprayed randomly when I walk out to hang up laundry, I'm happy!" she hollered after him. He certainly seemed to be in a good mood, for having to do this task along with keeping an eye on the new Elite resident. But as long as he was smiling, she was smiling.

She moved to the cupboard and retrieved a pitcher. She'd make a batch of lemonade just in case the men got thirsty.

Garret found his way around to the backyard and waited for Nate as he just looked around. He'd been in neighborhoods like this before. It was nothing new. He'd traveled the world over. But without being on a mission...it felt...empty. His neck wasn't on the line. He had no weapons on him, which just felt wrong. There would be no report. No danger even. And...it felt completely unnatural. 

So lost in thought, Nate startled him as he came out - something else that was not the norm, and bothered Garret. He said nothing though, and just followed to the shed. Glancing around at all the tools, it reminded him of a smaller version of the supply bunker at the estate...without the guns. 

He fingered a hammer...some screwdrivers...and picked up a pair of pliers. There might be no guns, but this shed was filled to the brim with weapons...and Nate didn't mind he was there? He really trusted him not to get violent?

"I don't mind getting dirty." He tossed Nate the pliers, having a feeling they need them. "Or wet." He picked up a couple standard sized wrenches. "Anything's better than being cooped up all day. I've spent enough time in solitary confinement." It was true - he'd lost track of how many times he'd been punished by being locked in a dark cell with no window and no contact for days or even weeks. The last time had been years ago now - eventually as he moved up in rank, he dished out punishment more than being on the receiving end, but the memories were embedded in his mind forever. At the time...he'd felt like he'd deserved the treatment. It had made him harder. Stronger. But now...it was like looking back on a nightmare.

A clanking tool jumped him back to reality, and he looked over the wrenches. "So what's the issue? Just the sprinkler heads not working or what?"

Eric's eyes widened slightly before a sheepish grin emerged and he scratched his head. "Yeah...yeah, glad I got time to prepare for that."

"Oh, there's no preparing," Mick answered dryly, giving Rosetta a teasing glance. "It's kind of like war. You can train all you want, but once you're on the front line, you're still running for your life." He held up am arm just in case Rosetta decided to whack him.

Eric laughed and shook his head. "Thanks. Thanks a lot." This was going to be a long road, and he knew it. But he had to believe it would get better. That he'd adjust. That he could really do this. It felt impossible. But around here...that just wasn't a word.

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