

Garret certainly didn't expect Maggie to take his hand, but he didn't pull away, and instead, let her lead him to the shed. She had such an innocence about her... Anyone who knew anything about him wouldn't trust him at the very least, if not be downright scared of him. But not this young woman. It felt...different. It felt...nice. 

Another smile creased his lips as he headed for the toolbox. "I...think you're right." He set the tools inside, then took the rest from Maggie to put them away as well.

He gave her a sidelong glance and just studied her for a moment. "I bet you help out your brother a lot around here don't you?"

A shadow caught his eye and he straightened as he realized it was Nate. "Yeah...yeah, you left me in good hands, alright." He tossed Maggie another wink. Something was off though. Something in Nate's eye put Garret on edge. Who had called? What was so urgent that he had to go back to work right now? But his was not to question.

"No reason to be sorry. I got the allowed time outside my cell, right?" He didn't mean to sound ungrateful. He just wasn't looking forward to going back. It had been so nice outside today, and for just a little while, he'd been able to imagine real freedom. But now, reality was back.

He came back outside before turning and giving Maggie a wave. "Remember where those tools are...your brother might need them again if he didn't do a good enough job today."

Back at the office, Reese was at his desk, and tossed a handful of papers over his shoulder, accompanied by a frustrated growl. This day was not turning out to be one he'd like to repeat.

He picked up his phone. "Susa...." Another growl surfaced as he hung up. She wasn't back to work yet. He wasn't mad at her - just the situation. To top it all off, he was concerned about Nate. It had been a couple hours since he'd left with Garret. And though Reese wasn't going to restrict Nate, he wasn't totally comfortable with that whole thing. What if this project blew up? What if keeping Garret around failed? The Elite's future was hanging in the balance as it was.

Eli gave Scarlet's hand a squeeze. "You don't have anything to apologize for. If it had been me, I'd have been upset too. I hate secrets, I just... I'd given my word. Otherwise, I would have told you from day one." 

Pausing, he got up from his seat and moved around to Scarlet's side of the table to slide into the booth next to her. He put his arm around her shoulders and gave her a loving squeeze. "And...from day one...I haven't been able to get enough of your kisses... So this has been really, really, really hard..." He leaned in close. "...to wait this long."

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