
Start Somewhere

Joining Reese out in the hall once again Nate gives a small sigh as he folds his hands over his chest, This whole thing had turned into one big mess. He trusted Garret and Reese didn't, Garret trusted Victoria but they didn't.

  "I do believe we can trust Garret to do that. I honestly believe he wants to be free and help us. We've got to put trust somewhere. If we dont than we might as well turn them over now because there is no point in keeping them."

Nate did feel strong about that. If they wernt going to try and trust them, get to know them or even work with them than really what was the point of all this. They might as well stop wasting everyones time and turn them over.

  "We have to start somewhere, and I think this is the best time as ever."

Picking the other baby up Angel rocks her softly. It had been a while since she had held a baby. Honestly she missed it so it was nice to have infints here again. Looking down at the little smiling face Angel smiled back before looking up at Becky.

   "I guess some people are just not fit to be parents. Im happy Diana had the sense to see if Eric wanted the baby's at least and not just tossed them away."

... Watching Mick as he talked to Eric on the other line Rosetta could tell he was none to happy, and if she new her brother at all he would want to know what was going on right away. This was best though and there was no point in having him drive if he was upset and she new he would be.

   "Well he might not be happy but at least he is coming."

Getting Erics text Stacy can't help the small smile. She felt bad Eric was panicked but it was nice to know Eric cared about them too.

  "We are ok, promise. Can't wait to see you."

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