

Being pulled in so close to Eric Stacy loved every moment of it. She loved so safe she felt in his strong arms. The moments were few, but it made her enjoy them even more. His words were soft even if they held lots of emotion.

  "I think calling you was the right thing. Your family was just worried and they were not sure what to do. I could see the doubt in there eyes when they were told, and the hesitation to agree to anything. They didn't want to take the chance just in case."

Sitting up a little to look Eric in the eye Stacy smiles softly. She could see the fear, and part of her wondered if some of Eric's fear had to do with her? Did he think they the twins ended up being his she would run?

   "I guess after the test comes back we will know for sure, and if they are...I'll try and help all I can."

Victoria felt herself stiffen just a little as Aaron held the gun to Susanne. He was a loose cannon, she'd told Reese that and he didn't listen. There was no telling what he would do and seeing that poor woman caught in the middle twisted her stomach.

As Garret starts to walk over Nate stands strong. Glancing at Reese he shakes his head. Garret would be fine, he wasn't going to run, and if Reese didn't believe that it wasn't his problem.

  "Be safe Garret. Let them go Reese."

Continuing to watch the exchange Victoria didn't like how Aaron was acting. He was going to shoot Susanne, and who new who else no matter what. She couldn't sit back and just let this happen. Not for anyones sake but her own.

Moving quickly now that she was out of the cuffs Victoria side steps to Pete and grabs his gun before rolling away from him and standing once more aiming the gun right at Aaron.


Was all she had time to yell hoping Garret would get Susanne in time before any bullets could hit her. Pulling the trigger the gun goes off loudly. Lowering her hand she bends down to set the gun on the ground only to be met by strong force.

Katie's dosnt wait even a minute before reacting. She wasn't sure what was going to happen next but she was on top of Victoria in no time.

Having Katie on top of her Victoria dosnt even try and get free. She could if she wanted to but what would that do?

   "He was going to kill her if I didn't do something. I just saved your Agents life."

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