
A lot to say

Reese was busy with some paper work when Nate entered is office, and he looked up, unsurprised. Leaning back in his chair, he fiddled with his pen as he listened. There was some agitation in his eyes, but more tiredness than anything. One eyebrow arched at Nate’s statement about Garret, but he simply didn’t respond right away. Instead, for several moments, all one could hear was the ticking clock on the wall. He hated the tension between himself and Nate – that had never happened before, and it didn’t feel good. Nothing felt good about any of this. Ever since Garret had arrived, it had been one disaster after another.

“Okay. I’ve got a lot to say, so please, just hear me out. First, I know you and I disagree about this morning’s events, but what’s done is done. We could speculate and argue all day long about how it could have been handled better, and then we could invite everyone else in for an additional list of opinions. I’m not happy about how things went down, but Susanne’s safe and we caught our guy, so I’m not going to revisit the subject.”

He set his feet up on his desk and grabbed his half-bottle of coke to wash down two pain-relievers for his headache before returning his attention to Nate. “Second, I gotta be honest – I’m glad Victoria is gone. She and Garret are dangerous, plain and simple. Which leads me to your thoughts on how Garret should be dealt with. See, here’s the thing – he can’t stop threatening. It’s like having a tiger on the loose. Every time there’s something he doesn’t like, he shows his teeth and growls, and everyone is forced to jump back because he’s ready to pounce, and no one can take him. I’ve seen him lose his temper more than once, he has injured multiple agents…” He pointed to his own face where his eyes were still slightly black and blue from the hit to his nose. “Pete not only had stitches to his head once, but today has a bruise the size of Garret’s boot across his chest. Jason’s still gimping around from that one fiasco, Hal is ready to start carrying his shotgun wherever he goes, and Gunner…” Reese rolled his eyes. “Well, he’s always half-cocked anyway.”

He sighed and shook his head. “I’m not trying oppose you at every turn. But even you have to look at the facts. If I’m gonna believe Garret really wants to be here and change sides, it’s gonna take more than intel and a botched rescue mission.”

He cocked his head, thinking as he studied Nate’s face. He'd been angry and frustrated this morning...more like the last few days, and he just wanted to get back to running a smooth operation. “I trust you more than just about anyone else here. Probably even more than Wyatt, but don’t tell him I said that.” He quirked a wry grin. “I just don’t trust Garret. All I see is him using fear tactics to maintain control. Maybe he really is trying. I know this is a different world, and if he’s telling the truth, his actions are commendable. But I want the threats to stop. He has to learn – and learn fast – that if he’s upset about something, he can’t just go and beat people up. We’re not a pack of dogs where he gets to try out for alpha male. This is why I’ve kept him in cuffs. He’s demonstrated he can still take people out – but it at least gives us somewhat of a fighting chance.”

He set his feet on the floor again and leaned forward to rest his elbows on his desk. He was no longer upset. Only concerned. “If you want him out of cuffs and to run free, I’m not going to oppose you. I made you his handler and…I’ve probably interfered more than I should already, and I’m sorry if it frustrated you. I only did it because I was worried for my other officers. But if he's going to behave, by all means, start integrating him - slowly. Make sure he's got access to the showers and the break room food. But if he physically lashes out one more time…” He held up his finger to emphasize. “Then it’s back to the locked cell, cuffs and shackles. He’s too valuable to send to prison, but I cannot tolerate any more outbursts. And he better stop with the threats. We know he can make good on them. But I will not allow him here if everyone avoids him just because they’re scared of him. And right now…they’re scared.”

A pause brought on a deep breath that he let out slowly. “I trust Garret’s intel is sound – I don’t trust that he’s not going to hurt anyone here again. Which is one reason I want Justin to remain involved so he can continually assess Garret’s mental and emotional state.”

Reese pursed his lips and nodded. “And that…has been churning in my mind all day. I just want you to know we’re still on the same side here. The future of the Elite is unforeseen… and I don’t want to face that future without my best men to back me up. That means you. And I hope, one day, Garret as well.” He managed a tired smile. “I don't want to break the tiger's will…he just needs some new targets.”

Garret wasn’t sure how long he stayed outside. There was a part of him that really did want to walk away. It would be dangerous on his own, but he could disappear if he really wanted to. But…what was the point? Without Victoria, he would just be wandering aimlessly. At least here he had some sort of reason to stay...at least for the moment. He’d given his word he would help with Carson's case and he didn’t want to betray that – and there was still Aaron to figure out. As far as Nate warning him about his threats, it didn’t set well with him. How else was he supposed to get someone’s attention? Asking nicely didn’t seem to work around here, and even begging got him nowhere. Not only was this a different world, but people seemed to speak a different language, too.

Eventually, he did wander back inside. It felt strange, not having someone leading him, dragging him or directing him. And from the looks he got, it felt strange to everyone else, too. Partway down the hall, he stopped and glanced into the infirmary.

Rick looked up from his work and came closer, his guard immediately up. “Garret?” His eyes asked why in the world Garret was walking around by himself.

Garret folded his arms. “Just wondered how Aaron was.” His eyes roamed the front end of the infirmary, landing on Misty for a moment before returning to Rick.

“Mm.” Rick thought for a moment, then figured there couldn’t be much harm in telling him. “I got the bullet out, and he’s going to be fine, but there was permanent damage. Only time will tell how much.”

“Is he awake?”

“No. I have him sedated at the moment to make sure he doesn’t move. I…just had the feeling if he woke up too soon, he wouldn’t find his surroundings very appealing and might do more damage to himself.”

Garret smirked a little. “Yeah.” Without much else to say, he simply turned and kept walking. Down the hall, down the stairs and into his own cell. It felt a bit like a dog going to his own kennel, but where else was he supposed to go? He wasn’t welcome anywhere but here.

Flopping down on his cot, he glared up at the camera before rolling onto his side to hide his face. He didn’t want anyone to know about the tears that were threatening to spill over. Losing the most important person in his life was not something he’d planned on. And right now, he couldn’t even fully process the depth of his own pain. He had to focus. He had to find something else to occupy his mind. He needed work to delve into. Something. Anything to keep his mind off what he'd just lost today. 

Susanne sniffed again and sighed, but was thankful for Chuck's words of encouragement. She didn't know what she'd do without him here right now. This house...it felt very big and very scary all of a sudden. 

"Can...can you stay a while this evening?" she asked quietly. "I don't know what I have in the fridge but...we can find something for supper and...and maybe watch a movie or something?" She just wanted a distraction from the nightmare she'd just experienced. It would be a miracle if she could sleep tonight at all, but at least if she wasn't alone for a little while longer, maybe she'd feel better.

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