
Sinking feeling

Looking out the window of the business building the music drowned in the background. Scarlett really wasn't feel into the party tonight. She'd been there to mingle, get to know people but she just didn't feel it. Even the glass of wine in her hand was left untouched.

Hearing her cell phone go off Scarlett sets her glass on the table near her pulling out her phone from her purse. Seeing Eli's message her heart sank. She felt bad she wasn't there for Ryan, and for Eli too. No matter how made she was she still new this was a bad situation and all the emotions that went with it.

Eli, I'm so sorry to hear that about Ryan. Let me know whats going on when you get a chance. If I can do anything to help please don't hesitate to let me know.

Rolling over Victoria squints at the sunlight coming through the window. It takes her a moment to remember where she was before sitting up. Well today would be the day they found out if Garret was here or not.

 "Rise and shine, we have work to do."

Victoria throws her pillow at Aaron before getting up and going into the bathroom. Running cold water over her face she looked in the mirror. What were they doing? Was Garret really here? And if he was why had he not gotten himself out yet. A wave of fear came over Victoria as she wondered if Garret might be hurt.  That was the last think she wanted to think about atm.

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