
Trust Your Gut

Looking up from her phone with a start Ryan just stairs blankly at Eli for a long moment before coming back to reality and giving a small smile to her brother. She hoped he and Scarlett were ok and whatever they had been fighting about was resolved, or at least soon.

    "Hmmm...? Oh...the race was good. I got second place though. Some new guy won and he had 2 noz tanks in his car. Dang near blew out his engine. I think he should of been disqualified but I guess thats just the poor losing talking in me."

Hearing her phone go off Ryan returns her attachen to that for a moment.

   Have you thought about what I had asked?

Ryan lets out a small sigh for a second. Alec had asked her to run away with him tonight. He said he just wanted it to be them again. To start over where no one new them, and no one hated him. At first Ryan thought it was a joke but now...did he really mean it? Could she do that?

   I don't think I could leave Eli. He's my brother the only one I got.

Looking up from her phone and seeing Eli was still standing there Ryan just looks at him for a long moment trying to remember what they were talking about. She had completely lost her train of thought completely for just a moment.

   "Tal...oh yeah yeah I saw him at the race. Is everything ok with you and Scarlet?"

Beth gives a smile to Justin. She was grateful he wanted to tell her everything, but she understood why she couldn't as well. Though it made it hard to understand what Justin was talking about at time she did try her best without asking to many questions.

   "Why do you like this person though? Does he remind you of you or someone else? I've never seen you read a person wrong so I guess I would just trust my gut."

Looking up at Eric Stacy new how sad she probley looked. Her time with Eric had went by to fast and while she new he was going to be back and a month was really not THAT long it still was going to feel like forever.

   "No breaking your phone this time and making me worry ok?"

Wrapping her arms around Eric Stacy gives him a tight hug. She didn't want him to go but she new he had too. She'd still be here though when he got back, and that really made it worth it. 

   "I sure am going to miss you."

Standing off to the side Ashlee lets out a long yawn. It was early, but she couldn't miss saying good bye to Eric. It was going to be a while before she saw him again and she was not missing out on the opportunity. She'd wait her turn though and let her mom and Eric say good bye first.

Walking down the street Karla was in a good mood today. It was not to warm, but not to cold. In her mind it was the perfect weather. Meeting Kip was the icing on the cake for sure. She loved spending time with him even if it was simple. Simple was good to her.

Rounding the corner Karla hears the music come to and end and smiles. She loved hearing Kip and Quinn playing. Kip was talented and with Quinn there too...she was just happy he had someone else to play with and drive him forward.

   "Hey, hope I'm not crashing the party. I'm a little early."


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