

As Carson comes near her and wraps his arms around her Misty's stiffens a little before feeling the warmth, the strength that Carson always offered and just softened. She soaked in the comfort as more tears seemed to come. Everything had just been so much and it still weighed heavy on her mind.

   "It's not ok. Everything is my fault, and I'm sorry. I'm....I'm sorry I blamed you for everything. I know you are at fault for somethings but not everything and I'm sorry. I just...I guess I just needed someone to blame and you were an easy target."

Taking in a long breath Misty's tears start to slow as she sniffles. Pulling away from Carson she can look him in the eyes and search his face. She wondered so many things, she felt so many different ways it was hard to tell what was up or down. But now was the best time as any to talk to him.

  "Carson...I'm broken, beaten down, and damaged. I dont know how much good I'll be to anyone anymore, and I dont even know where life is going for me. But I do know I dont want things to be like they us to be with us. I don't want lies, and hidden motives, I just can't. I do know though I don't want a divorce anymore."

Still wondering how he'd react Misty is quick to keep talking before he can say anything else. She just wanted to get everything out before stopping and losing her train of though.

   "I want time though, time to take it slow and work on things. Work on myself, work with you, after everything thats happened I cant just jump back into our relationship like nothing is wrong because there is a lot wrong, and a lot that needs to be fixed. Do you think...you can do that? Take it slow, and work our way back up?"

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