

There was only one part of Misty's invitation that Carson heard - she was actually going to let him come over to the house. It was hard to believe it was true. Again, he wondered if this was a step forward, or just a cruel beginning to an even harder fall. But he couldn't pass up the opportunity to go, even if the hope was slim. "Food is overrated." He gave her half a smile. "I'll be there at six."

As the service came to a close, he was reluctant to let go of Misty's hand, but he forced himself to. After all he'd done to try and win her back, every attempt had failed miserably. He couldn't keep pushing, and he had to let her be in control, even if it was hard. 

Saying goodbye to her and to others, including Mackenzie, was brief. The day had to go on. No matter the pain of losing Alec, the world would not stop turning...

...It was six o'clock on the nose. The hours of the day had seemed to drag by, at least for Carson. Caught between sorrow of loss, and hope for the future, his emotions were making his stomach turn. But it wouldn't dictate his choices. And his one choice right now was to see Misty and discover what was in store.

It was odd ringing the doorbell, but he did. Standing on the steps, he waited for Misty to answer the door. Though he'd cleaned up for the graveside service, he'd made sure later that he was clean shaven, his clothes were neat, and maybe he'd even put on just a little of the colone he knew Misty liked...just maybe. And now in his hand was a small bouquet of mixed flowers. 

Eli wished he could do more for his sister, but it was obvious that, for now, she was just going to have to work through things on her own. Nevertheless, he would be keeping a close eye on her...

The day moved on and turned to evening. And outside city limits, the usual crowd gathered to party around the desert races. Eli hadn't been all that keen on letting Ryan out of his sight, but he'd had an errand to run, then had promised Scarlet a date. At least he knew Tal would be there.

And he was. Arriving later than most of the crowd, Tal wound his way through the people. It wasn't really his idea of an ideal evening, but after not getting Ryan to go out with him for several days in a row, he'd take what he could get. He knew she was going through a rough time, but it felt like she was suddenly keeping him at arm's length, and that wasn't a good feeling.

Making it to the edge of the crowd, he scanned the area for Ryan, unsure if she'd raced yet or not.

Aaron straightened and folded his arms as he watched Victoria pace. His eyes met her with just as much searching. Just as much distrust. 

"I have no other information," he stated flatly. Security cameras peered at them from the upper corner of the room. Aaron grabbed a pen and paper and scribbled as he spoke. "I'm just trying to find a connection between Garret's recent negligence, and his disappearance." He slid the paper across the table where the camera wouldn't be able to pick up details. He had written, "I know your secret." 

"You've got the best instinct around, when it comes to a hunt. I just thought you might have an idea we hadn't thought of yet." His eyes locked with hers again. "So...do you?"

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