
Every Step

   "Even small steps still count. We have to take the victories as they come."

It was quiet around the office today, and Hope really didn't have much work. She really didn't want to be there after all that had happened. It was a lot for one person to take in even if they didn't know Alec all that well. So hearing Scott suggestion made Hope jump a little. She was definitely ready to get out of there.

   "At a time like this I think ice cream sounds like the perfect answer. Lets go get some. I'll even let you pay for it."

Hope smiles and gives Scott a little nudge at least hoping to get a little humor to spark in his eyes. Even if it was only a little sliver...it was the small victories after all.

Giving a nod at Eli Ryan looks down at her phone again.

  What is so important that you give up lunch with me? Why I never...

Shaking her head and rolling her eyes Ryan replys.

 I've got a lot of work to do and I think Eli wanted to do lunch or something. If anything changes I'll text you.

Looking back up at Eli and realizing he said something Ryan nods again. Before putting some toast in the toaster.

  "Sounds good Bro. Have a good day." 

Ashlee jumps up and gives a small punch to Eric's arm. She was dieing to ride and happy to hear him ask. All together she felt so much better and that little reassurance from Eric really helped. 

   "I dont know, do you think you can handle riding more? I think you might be more sore than I am."

Her eyes twinkled with a new challenge, and a slight taunting tone. She loved being to joke around with Eric and have him just joke back.

   "I'm game if you are though."

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