
A Moment's Wish...

Somewhere caught between asleep, and waking Misty could hear talking. Words being thrown around her like lost, answer, saving, and baby. None of it made sense to her as she tried to wake herself a little more. Was this all just a dream, and none of this real. The last thing she remembered was hearing someone in the house. Shadows, falling, the smell of blood, and the fear that rushed over her. What had happened...

The next day...

Feeling the warmth of the morning sun on her face Misty rotates her head to the side and smiles watching Carson laying next to her fast a sleep. She liked watching him sleep sometimes. He seemed so at peace, and calm. It was one of the best ways to wake up. 

Looking back up at the ceiling Misty smiles, but soon it fades as a sharp pain coursed through her body shocking herself away. As her eyes open the sun light was gone, and she was in a white room, a hospital room. Her body hurt all over, slowly memories come back to her about what had happened, about the attack. 

Slowly bring her hand up to her neck Misty feels the bandages wrapped around her. How bad was it? Letting her hand fall from her neck it rests on her stomach. In only another split moment a wave of fear rushes over Misty. Her baby! There was no need for anyone to tell her, for she already could tell herself by the empty feeling she felt. The next thing to follow was a blood curdling scream, and than sobs. How could this happen....why could this happen? This was the one good thing she had left and now like everything else it was gone. Her baby was gone, and she didn't even know why, the only thing she new and she felt was sadness, hurts, more hurt than all over her body injuries combined, her hear was shattered, and for a moment Misty wished she hadn't lived either.

Leaning back in her desk chair Katie lets out a long sigh. The last few days had been deadly quiet at work and everyone new why. Nothing seemed the same anymore, hurt, sadness...it was so thick someone could cut it with a knife. Misty was family to everyone at work, all so close and now...one of there family members had been hurt almost beyond repair, and no one new what to do. This wasn't something that could be fixed. Psychical Misty would get better, but mentally Katie didn't think it would be so easy. 

Sitting forward again Katie runs her hands over her face and lets out a long sigh. She'd been working almost all night to try and fit what had happened together and why. But every ally she looks up came to a dead end. This was just another sick game played by The Agency but still it seemed different some how. 

Looking over her shoulder at the light on in Jason's office Katie new thats where he was. She felt bad for him too and couldn't imagine how he was feeling through this all as well. It was hard on everyone but Jason and Misty were so close even if they were just friends again. Getting up she heads that way and knocks gently on the door before poking her head into his office. 

   "Hey J. I just got done looking through those old files Reese had me on and I came up with more dead ends. He just told me to let you know whenever I found anything or not."

Pausing for a second Katie just studied Jason and her heart sank a little even more. It was hard to actually read him, but still she could just tell by looking at him it was hard. 

   "I was thinking of going to see Misty, I didn't know if you wanted to tag along. Figured maybe you could use a little time away from work, and fresh air too."

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