

Looking up at Alec Misty gives the best smile she could thought she new it was not much. Laying her hand over top of his she lets out a small sigh. He was a good guy, and he was trying his best to make her happy, and try to put a little smile on her face. She hated how low she felt, she hated how much hatred she felt, and she hated not being herself. No matter how hard she tried though the truth remained she was angry, she was hurt, and she hated one person for it.

   "Ok Alec. Thanks for the subs tonight, they tasted good. Try and get some rest. At least one of us needs to be alert tomorrow when Mackenzie gets here."

Letting her hand drop from Alec's Misty looks down at her hardly eaten sub. She'd taken a few bites before feeling full. It had tasted good like she said but hungry just didn't seem to hit her tonight.

Once Alec was gone Misty finally moved from the couch and went to the kitchen. Wrapping up what was left of her sub she placed it in the fridge with the other left overs. She'd either eat it later, or Alec would and that was ok with her. At least nothing went to wast.

Looking out the window in the back Misty just stairs at the light the flickers in Alec's shed. She wanted to pull herself from this darkness but it was so hard and she felt so lost and helpless. She hated Carson loved Jason, was mad at Jason, despised Carson. A vicious circle of emotions she wish she didn't have.

Pushing off the counter Misty makes her way up stairs. She was tired, drained of emotions and all she wanted to do was sleep now. Mac would be here tomorrow, and she wanted to try at least for the childs sake to act a little happier than she was now. Maybe a little extra rest would help her feel better in the morning.

Giving a small smile Ashlee went back to poking at her food. Eating a little more she finally pushed the plat away before excusing herself. She just didnt feel that hungry. She really did want to go riding tonight, but something stopped her. Maybe she sould talk to Eric about it but something just held her back.

Watching her daughter leave Stacy felt as confused as Eric looked. She didn't understand what was going on with that girl, and when she tried to ask her last all she got was a quick nothing and a subject change. 
   "I don't know what is going on with that girl. I thought for sure she'd be happy you were home. She missed you something horrible while you were gone."

To: Rosalyn
From: Chad

When the warm wind blows it feels like your breath on my skin...
And when the stars twinkle it reminds me of your eyes...
For everywhere I look I am reminded of you...
Everywhere I go I think I hear your voice and turn my head.
My wind, My sun, My flower!

I haven't heard from you in a few days and I hope all is well.
Still travailing but that should come to and end soon. At least 
for a few week before we finish our tour. I wish you could
be here. I know you'd love it as much as I do. One day you 
will have to come, and be free!!! 

With Every Emotion in my head, Chad!

Grace just shakes her head as she listened to Jared ramble. She didn't mind it though it was better than being quiet, or depressed. She rather liked his silly babble. It made her smile and laugh.

   "I think sitting here for a few moments sounds rather nice. It's not to bad of a afternoon. I've got some of the best company to chat with. I mean really...what more could you ask for?"

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