
Back to a Time...

Getting another text message Chad chuckles. He was a flirt wasn't he? Most people would think he was like that with everyone but really he wasn't. There was just something about Rosalyn that was extra special and just made him want to go that extra mile.

To: Rosalyn
From: Chad

Ya your right. I am a flirt, and you just
bring that extra out. 

Reading about her dad Chad couldn't help his heart sink a little bit. He hated that things when like this and her dad was giving her such a hard time. Family was everything to her, and this just tore her apart and thus tore him apart too. 

I'm sorry about your dad. I wish I could
give you a big ol hug too. I hope to be
able to as well. 

A smile comes to Chads lips as he closes his eye and remembers there tree. It was the one place he could close his eyes and always recall that place and the emotions involved with it. 

I can always see that tree when I close
my eyes. And you are always right there
with it. It's one of the best memories I own.

Playing with a screwdriver she had in her hand Ashlee was quiet for a second. Weather her and Clint's reasons were different from being absent from the others she had a feeling in a way, it was the same too. She'd never talked much to Clint before but something about today, or maybe it was because he knew a little on how she felt in his own way his company was nice.

   "What are you working on that needs to be fixed? I don't know much about fixing stuff, but I know a little."

Seeing Clint hold up the can for her Ashlee gives a small smile and puts the screwdriver down before walking over to Clint and taking the can. 


Pulling back the tab and opening the pop Ashlee takes a sip before closing her eyes and just savoring the taste for a moment. It had been a long time since she's had a pop and she didn't realize how much she missed it.

   "Mmm...I almost forgot what pop tasted like. This sugary goodness is not something I get often. Thank you."

Sitting at her desk and not knowing anyone else was there except for maybe Ty Katie gives a jump to Jason's voice. Recovering quickly Katie gives him a smile. For a second though she is lost in thought to anything he had just said. Her mind was taken back to what seemed like so long ago when her and Jason were still together and he would stand at her cubicle and look down right cute. Some things never changed. Bring herself back to the present Katie realizes Jason had been talking and maybe he'd asked her a question?

   "Life got complicated the day we grew up, maybe even before that."

Now taking a closer look at Jason she realizes he didn't look so hot. If there was ever a time she wished more that they had there connection it was now. But the old fashion way would just have to do. 

   "You're not looking so hot..are you ok?"

Once Jason had left Misty continues to just sit. Leaning back, sitting up, moving sideways she tried to get comfortable but just couldn't. Tears started to pool in her eyes, and than finally escape. She couldn't blame Jason for his desition, he was doing what he thought was right. After all Carson hadn't signed the papers yet, and who new if he would. If she'd been Jason she wouldn't want to wait around forever.

And with those thoughts Misty's sadness, and hurt turned to anger as well. Anger that Cason yet again runed another good thing in her life. An endless nightmare of pain, hurt, and who new what else. And it only made her cry harder.

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