
No good for nothin'

“Yeah…yeah he’s different, but really is a good guy.” Scott nodded slowly, thinking about how long Justin had stuck by him. Clear back at Brookshire when he’d had to drag Scott literally kicking and screaming just to get him outside. Even though Scott was working through a relapse now…maybe he really had made progress since his abduction.

His abduction. Scott’s mind was suddenly hurled into the not-so-distant past. A dark one. A frightening one. A past with an experience that had scarred him for life. The sights. The sounds. Anything even close to resembling those things that had affected his senses now made him constantly relive the torture. Every time he looked into the mirror and saw his blind eye, he was reminded.

The atmosphere of the coffee shop had been completely drowned out by Scott’s thoughts, and he didn’t even realize how suddenly he’d become eerily silent. It was a full minute before reality came back into focus, and his attention snapped up to Hope’s face. His hands had grown cold and clammy from the memories. Had she just said something? He hadn’t a clue what it was, if she had.

“You know that big window you used to have in your old office?” It seemed such a random question, but his voice was soft and sincere. “I remember the warm light. If it wasn’t for you…I’m not sure I ever would have found the sunshine again. It was so dark in that cell…”

He took a swig of coffee, resisting a second lapse from reality. Though Justin had tried to convince him those minor episodes would eventually pass, he didn’t like zoning out when others were around.

“Anyway…yeah.” Scott shook his head, forcing his mind to clear, and hoping his behavior didn’t make Hope feel as awkward as it made him feel. “I know I pushed you away when I went to Brookshire. But even with all the…well…I still had that sunshine you gave me, even if tried to bury it there for a while.”

He gained a sheepish sort of grin before raising his coffee mug once more. “Betcha weren’t expecting to hear all that tonight.”

Gunner is quiet for several moments, just looking at Bree as if trying to figure out if she really meant what she said. He’d been fighting everyone for so long, that it took some thinking just to come up with an answer for her.

“I…I don’t know,” he admitted. “I just…what’s missing. It’s all…it’s all missing pieces in my mind. I’ve gone over the same information countless times and…I always hit dead ends. Always.”

Closing his eyes, he leaned his head against Bree’s shoulder and sighed deeply. He was so weary. So tired.

“There was a time when I thought I’d come to grips with losing my memory,” he mumbled. “But now, all I want to do is remember. All I want to do is be able to see the accident so I can know for sure what happened.”

He sighed again and adjusted his weight on the porch step, curling into Bree a little more. “It sucks…” His words had started to slur. “Jus’ bein’… bein’ dumb. Th’ whole…thing…”

His muscles lurched as he’d started to doze off. Unfortunately, he did have enough sense left to know they couldn’t stay out here all night. A third sigh surfaced. “I’m just no good for nothin’.”

“And this one?”

Alec looked down at the faded scar on his forearm. “That one? I don’t even remember.”

“Well what about this one?”

He moved his eyes from his playing cards once more to look at the back of his other hand. “Uh…knife.”

Mackenzie quirked an eyebrow. “As in a knife fight?”

“Yeah, sorta.” Alec drew a card and waited to see what Jason’s next move was going to be.

“This one looks interesting.”

“Huh?” Distracted once again, Alec glanced at his palm where Mackenzie was tracing a fairly fresh scar with her finger. “Oh. I cut myself on the lawn mower blade a couple weeks ago.”

Mackenzie giggled. “Get in a fight with it?”


Jason tried to hide his smile as he listened. Poor Alec couldn’t win…or at least he wouldn’t. Not against Mackenzie. Her uncle would lose every time if just to keep her smiling. “Hey, um… ya just lost.”

“What?” Alec looked back at the game and rolled his eyes. “It’s not fair. I was distracted!” He smirked at Mackenzie. “You two in cahoots or what?”

Mackenzie backed away from the kitchen table with hands up. “No…no, never.”

“Uh-huh.” Alec set his cards down and stood. “We’ll just see about that after I torture you.”

“No!” Mackenzie laughed and squealed as she took off for the living room, Alec in high pursuit with threats of tickling.

Jason chuckled and gathered up the cards to put them away. Standing, he stretched and yawned before wandering over to where Misty was working on supper. He slipped his arms around her shoulders from behind and gave her a little squeeze. He hadn’t been quite as affectionate the last week or so. It wasn’t anything anyone else would notice, and he blamed it on just being tired or distracted from work. But in truth, his recent conversation with Con still lingered in the back of his mind. Evenings like this though…he didn’t want to give up, and he felt more stuck than ever.

“Supper sure smells good.” He leaned down over Misty’s shoulder for a closer look. “Whatcha got here, hmm?”

Without a clue he was being followed, Stacy’s sudden appearance made Eric jump. An immediate smile hit his lips though.

“Well, I think I know my way around here pretty well…but that doesn’t mean you can’t help me with anything.” His smile turned into a sly grin as he moved closer and looked down at her.

“You’re sure a sight for sore eyes.” He set his bag down before putting his hands on Stacy’s shoulders. “Miss me?”

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