
Anothing Reason

Letting out a long sigh Bree wasn't sure what to say to Gunner's comment. She hated hearing and seeing him like this. It wasn't his normal self and she didn't like it. The last thing she wanted to do as well was be one of those people who told Gunner what to do. Everyone was only trying to help and she wished he would see that.  It was just so hard, but she new for Gunner she had to try and be strong and comfort him all she could.

   "I'd like to decided with you if thats ok?! I'm not sure myself what I am in the mood for. Pretty much seems like a whole lot of nothing, and everything at the same time."

Bree takes a few steps closer to Gunner and lays a hand on his arm. He was always so strong, it was those arms that comforted her when she needed it the most. It was those arms that held her and broke her free from her prison. And now when Gunner needed her she felt hopeless.

Finally looking up at him Bree gives a small smile. Her eyes twinkling slightly. She might feel helpless but she was trying at least, and thats really all that mattered. At least in her own mind it made sense.

   "Having my partner in crime seems much better to me than trying to figure it out on my own."

Victoria couldn't help the scoff that slipped out of her lips. Something about Garrent's comment was funny. To her it was because of Garret she felt like she spent less time looking over her shoulder, because she new he always had her back no matter what. No matter the situation, reason or anything else that might come up, he was always there.

   "Oh Garret, I'd be looking over my shoulder a whole lot more, for a whole different reason. At least with you its well worth it, and its something to look forward again for."

Feeling the kiss that trailed on her neck brought a smile to her lips and soft murmur was aloud to escape this time. When she had been younger thunder and lighting had scared her, it caused her to jump and was all to loud. She'd run to her mother and fathers room and hide from it. But as she grew, it seemed there were noises that scared her more. Some soft, and could only be heard if trained. Noises that were so soft they could make a person def. Now thunder was a comfort, and act in witch was normal, and was anything but scary. 

Letting her lips meet Garrets and letting her passion out Victoria soaked up the moment all she could. Tomorrow would be another day but there was no telling if it would be there last for a while, or when the might be able to share another moment like this again. Till the moment was broken she held fast, finally backing away to look up at Garret and give a smile, his words were her sugar, a caffeine that let her face another day.

   "I love you too Garret, more than anyone will ever know."

Looking up at Mick called her to her Stacy cocks her head to one side for a moment looking at him. On the inside she let a small sigh of re leaf. She had been texting Eric a few times and ever tried calling him but getting nothing had made her worry. She'd run through many things in her own head of what could have happened and non of them were all that pretty. Knowing he was ok, and only a broken phone was the cause of his silent was a good feeling. She didn't know if it showed on her face or not really how releaved she was.

   "Alright Mick, thanks I will be right there."

Looking back to her food she shakes her head a little bit and leave a small giggle. It would be here still when she got back, and if not she could find something else. Getting up and heading for the door, she makes hast heading to the office and just letting herself in. Picking up the phone she sucks in a breath before letting it out once again.

   "Eric? Is that you? I've been worried sick....is everything ok?"

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