
To Bad

Putting her hands on her hips and shaking her head Hope was sad Gunner was being so stubborn and he was really leaving her with no choose. She wasn't going to keep letting this go on and get worse. If something did happen and she didn't say anything than it would be on her. She'd almost lost the ability to practice once she wasn't going to let that happen again. She enjoyed helping people to much for that.

   "Than I guess I will be telling Reese. Compromises don't work when they are only one sided, and I meant what I said. I'm not messing around anymore and letting you continue to do this to yourself."

Letting out another small sigh Hope really was sorry that Gunner wouldn't talk to her, to anyone for that matter. Even if it was to help him with what he was doing. At least it would be someone else there to keep him level headed. She had to do this though.

Turning Hope made her way from Gunner's desk and headed for her own office. She had a few things she needed to do this morning before it got to be to late. She would talk to Reese in a little bit. She could only hope he would be in a better mood today than the last time they spoke. This was important and it couldn't wait any longer.

...About an hour has passed as Hope finally made her way across the main floor and to Reese office. She'd given Gunner a little extra time to deiced to come and talk to her but he hadn't take it. Now this couldn't wait, she wouldn't let it wait any longer.

Getting to Reese office and knocking on the door she enters giving a small smile and coming over to his desk. There was no easy way to tell him this she just had too.

   "Hey Reese...we need to talk about Gunner. He's back on the obsession of his past and wont talk to anyone about it. I think in someways he is worse than before, but in some ways he is not. I just think something needs to be done before it gets to be to bad again."

Hearing Jared yell through the door Grace opens it and steps in. The smell of whatever was cooking hit her nose and she couldn't help but smile. If Jared was doing this all alone for her that was special. Not to mention since he only had one arm at the moment to try and cook with it almost seemed impossible but he was trying anyways and that is what counted.

   "Something sure smells good."

Coming into the kitchen Grace sets her bag down on the chair before coming a little closer to Jared. She looked a little different now than she had this morning. Now outside of work she was a little more dressed up since this would be there first real date. Her hair was tired back slightly, and cheek a little red. a blue sundress and some sandals was her choose of ware.

   "Wow, you really didn't have to go through this much trouble Jared, or you could of at least let me help you my goodness."

Drawing a little closer Grace lens in and gives Jared a small kiss on the cheek before pulling away but not to far. Jared smelled good tonight and she was just taking a moment to take it in. After all most of the time when they met they were sweaty from work.

   "Mmmm...can I just stand here while you cook? You look good, and smell even better than the food."

   "Hey Dad, just...wanted to call and say hi. Hadn't talked to you in a while and though I would. Ryder has been busy with his zoo work. I worry about him sometimes with those animles. I spend most my free time there looking at them all. Some times it makes me sad though so see them all caged up and not free. Ryder says its for there own good though."

Thirteen paces the backroom of Mom and Pop's while on her fifteen minute break. She really didn't have anything else to do and she hadn't talked to her dad in a while. She never told anyone but she  missed him.

   "Carson has been letting me cook more. I like cooking, its fun and learning how it helping me be able to cook at home a little more too. I wish you'd come and visit more. Anyways I better get going. I...I love you. Bye."

Hanging up the phone and putting it back into her pocket before walking back into the kitchen where Carson was. Washing her hands she gives him a small smile before going over to where he was and watching his for a long second.

   "Hey, did you need anymore help here?" 

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